Glad to see some rational dialogue on this potentially important topic. Frankly, some of the irrational/close-minded and weird responses have been unlike anything I've experienced here before. Easy to assume it is coincidence, but also a possibility that G devices are getting placed for too long and too close to cranial regions.
Other possibly bad issues may ensue since 5G will apparently enable tracking of users. So if you have an FAC/PAL or other form of firearm permit you can more easily be found. I personally dislike that Google and such track what we look at and hit us with ads trying to take advantage. Privacy is being lost very quickly. Sure it's good to know what pedophiles and such are up to, but 'big brother' is becoming more apparent all the time and I don't like eavesdropping. Pretty soon we'll need things like 'voter cards' which is good unless used to allow rig the voting system and to control access to doors/buildings that increasingly are becoming card entrance secured. Sorry you can't enter this store because your income is too low to buy anything.....sorry access denied since you haven't paid a parking ticket.... sorry access denied no explanation.
The scariest thing is that some think that population control will be necessary and that the 'elite' , whoever they are, could increase the Gs to literally kill people en mass. Due to Washington aggression in the world the doomsday clock is closest to midnight according to some. Right now the economies here and in the US are in shambles with foreign debt. If civil disobedience takes hold then what easier/better way to address this than by ramping up the Gs. I'm old but see that the middle class is being destroyed by regs/taxation/income reduction through inflation. 1% will have the $ and power and the rest will become unhappy poppers. To control unrest the poppers need be dumbed down and controlled. People are becoming dumber and if 5Gs is the start of pop'n control and brain alterations (again, except in Florida, Israel and Brussles) then this is a relatively easy way to get the evil result. Right now several countries are in uprising over the flooding of immigrants and raising of taxes. The yellow vest thing in France, the Brexit in Britain, and so forth are what will have to happen here if taxes and wages continue the way they are. In the US the 2 party system should have opposition to many things, but instead the Dems are supporting the Repubs on everything whether it be the huge increase in military budget or the attempted coupe in Venezuela. The 'Russia collusion' thing which MSM is continuing is just a smokescreen to fill MSM with nonsense to not cover the issues people need to know about. Instant gratification devices like hand-held computers distract and dumb down the masses into complacency.
There. A bunch more stuff to go after me on. I respect the members here and worry about their families and the future. It doesn't look too bright right now and I do not trust that gov't nor corporations nor global banksters 'have our best interests at heart'. To me and from what I've read 5G may be good in many ways but to be sure is also continuation of a control mechanism.