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  2. Yeah, the video is not new, and i'm sure seasoned musky guys like yourself have seen it all before, but I broke my last Thorn Bros double sided box which was gifted to me by some guys I guided and was in desperate need of immediate tackle storage, I guess because its 'musky tackle' I shouldn't have been surprised at the cost, but HOLYFREEKINGUACAMOLE BATMAN....$400??!!?? LOL...I'm good with hooks catching here and there, beats what I had before too.
  3. That's actually pretty old school Simon and the idea has been around forever but your right, it'll save you a bunch of cash. They work OK but the hooks on long lures have a tendency to catch under the inserts which can be a hassle. Enjoy your new box.
  4. Hi all, gotta love YouTube, found a video that showed how to make a homemade musky tackle box and save myself $300! Basically 2 10’ lengths of pvc downspout from Rona, an Ozark 48 can cooler from Walmart and 15 minutes on the mitre saw. The product it produces comes in at Around C$115 and easily replaces the item below which comes in at anywhere between $390 and $450. here is the video link for anyone interested .
  5. Good morning AKRISONER, thank you, I can't imagine what your cousin's good friend went through. In most grizzly attacks the bear goes for the head or the thigh. Your cousin did the right thing in my mind by taking his sons to the hospital to witness first hand what dangers do lurk in the wild especially in their neck of the woods. Grizzly bears are incredibly fast, they can out run a quarter horse for a hundred yards. I've been very lucky the same hasn't happened to me with all my close encounters. The trouble with me is once I get out of the city and back in the bush I feel too comfortable and let my guard down. And always want to try and get closer and better picture than I have already taken. f anyone should know better it's me. A funny thing, well maybe not so funny, I had plans of going to tend to my trail cams this past Friday morning again, more for something to do and get out the city than any thing else, couldn't sleep the night before as something kept telling me not to go so I didn't, it was such a strong feeling that I can't explain. Maybe that was the morning my luck was going to run out, I don't know, it still bothers me. If there is anything I have learned in life is to go with my instincts. And I always go alone which I likely shouldn't and I don't think my wife will let me anymore lol. Speaking of mountain lions I hate them stealthy, back attacking cats. A few weeks ago there was a piece on the news of a guy out walking his dog near Canmore and claimed he was attacked by one and said he pulled it off his back and scared it off, I'm thinking yeah right, like Hell you did. Couple weeks later it was on the news again as it was a bunch of Bull. Well no kidding, there is no way he could have done that, I don't care if it was a 200lb lion (which is not uncommon) or one that only weighs 60lbs even if he was Hulk Hogan, not going to happen. When a mountain lion attacks a human in most cases, and this only takes them a second or two, they jump on your back, put their front legs over your shoulders and dig their claws into into your front and bite down on your neck so you can't breath. thus suffocating the person. Most times one doesn't even know they are there until it's too late.
  6. Barry thanks for the explanation. This is great. interestingly my cousin’s good friend was attacked by a grizzly while mountain climbing in the park. He ended up having a significant part of his thigh torn off of his leg and ended up in the hospital for a long time. My cousin wss sure to bring his sons with him to visit his friend in the hospital. He wanted to drill into their heads that bear and wildlife safety is no joke. He specifically had a rule about not being out of site while they were young. Between the grizzlies and mountain lions that hung around his place they both presented a very real threat to young kids. Interestingly the local mountain lion that frequented his driveway would hiss at him like a house cat. Funny how such a big animal still displays regular feline behaviour! lol
  7. Hey y’all, heading up to lang lake in end September. Just curious if anyone has had certain luck on certain lures for bass pike and walleyes. Appreciate the advice. thanks
  8. I remember when I was a wee lad hearing the heavy horses pulling a wagon coming down the road at Oxenden, the farmer going to town to get their groceries. I would run up the road and stand just a few feet away and watch them go by. I could feel the ground shake. It was quite a spectacle that I will never forget. Here's just a couple pictures of the most stunning and beautiful Noriker draft horses I have ever seen and likely ever will see.
  9. Thanks for sharing this. Taken from a semi or a very fancy RV. These guys see a lot of wildlife, especially bear and elk driving from Alberta into BC. Not very often you will see that many bears in one place all at once. Back up to Lew, Oh man, that is just priceless buddy, I wish I could be so lucky. if I had my way my back yard would be full of bears.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Someone took this photo today in temagami and posted online.
  12. Not sure if I showed you this picture in one of our private talks or not Barry, but I went out on the back deck early one morning a few years back and this big ole black bear was sound asleep at the back of my yard. I went for my camera and when I came back he was awake and just watching me. He let me take the picture then he got up and sauntered off LOL
  13. A member of bass boat central posted this right after it happened. Its a factory he manages...said there were a bunch of people in the building at shift changeover...not a single serious injury or death. Unbelievable.
  14. Google 'Maple Lake public boat ramp' and you'll get this result... https://www.algonquinhighlands.ca/explore-play/parks-and-outdoor-spaces/boat-access/
  15. I don't use a transom saver to save the transom, I simply use it to keep the big mill from flopping around. It's a typical transom saver however (Connects to the trailer etc). Like Randy mentioned above, your transom takes way more of a beating out on the water then it ever will on a trailer.
  16. I can tell you some harrowing stories that would keep most folks awake at night. Involving grizzly's but were all bluff charges, didn't need to use the bear spray or bangers. I experimented with bear spray once. I was back in the middle of nowhere in a pretty good size meadow doing some target shooting with some of my rifles and decide to test a bottle of bear spray, I emptied it. There was no wind but after a couple of minutes it filled the meadow and my t-shirt become soaked with saliva, I could not see, jumped in the jeep and drove out of there blind with my rifles resting on a blanket on the hood. Thank god they stayed there. One of my friends and and his wife were out hunting and at the end of the day getting inside their travel trailer his wife sat down on the couch forgetting the bear spray she had on her belt with the trigger guard off, in just a couple second it filled the trailer and her husband spent nine days in the hospital. It would have to be a life and death situation before I would spray any bear with that stuff. I know it is meant to save lives but man is it ever potent.
  17. Man that was a violent one Lew. The damage is already done but it appeared to be moving fairly quickly or it could have been much worse. Years ago there was a really bad one that hit Edmonton and of course in Ontario and we've had some very close calls here in Calgary. We have very violent thunder storms with golf ball plus size hail every summer so it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Calgary is named hail storm alley for a reason. Thank you for sharing.
  18. Hi all, Got out for the first boat outing this year, surface temps hovering around 40F. Looking in vain for crappie but we found some decent bass, a ton of hammer handle pike and the motherload of Rock Bass and Perch in one hole in 30'FOW(weird, never caught so many rock bass, even double headers.)
  19. Nice bedtime story about a black bear. https://www.thestar.com/news/ontario/mauling-victim-gives-chilling-account-of-bear-attack/article_440f9db9-7b04-565f-9298-39e68338f5b9.html
  20. Last week
  21. It was the kind game where a healthy Mathews would have scored.
  22. Some of you folks may have seen these already, I've had a few more requests since. Some of my favorite pics. The way I put it is some people will see a black bear and wonder if it is a grizzly, if you see a grizzly you'll know it is a grizzly and not a black bear.
  23. I have lost all my old pics of rigg,n with a 13.6 ft stick and using a pin reel. That is a blast.
  24. I wish I could do it over again, I wouldn't change a thing.
  25. Start of the next season,,,,,,, No Mariner,new coach,sammy on the market. Why they allowed AM to play,is beyond me.
  26. Mariner and Reilly for the Boston win. Great effort to defend. Lazy. Gotta go.
  27. I'm a big fan of long soft rigger sticks. While I have several options for the big lakes my go to is my over 40 year old 12' spiral wrapped Fenglass and my Shimano Triton 100 loaded with 12lb mono set up.
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