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A Couple of Hours on the Rideau River - July 24

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Hello All,


Had a small "fishing" related business meeting earlier this morning on a stretch of the Rideau River, so hooked the boat up for a quick fish after everything was wrapped up.


Headed down to one of my favourite spots for smallies, and began chucking a BPS Magnum Tube (love the purple and green in this bait) on a Fin-tech Title Shot jig.






Worked water between five and 12-feet deep. Didn't take long for the first fish of the day to come over the gunnel..with the current that is present in this section, these fish sure put up a great fight!




A smaller guy a short while later..




Flipped some deep wood and docks that is situated over sand and rock, but no smallies present today. Another funny thing - this section just calls out largies, but I have yet to catch a single green guy yet! Flipped some awesome looking cane, but nadda..

Did have a decent muskie of about 15lbs slowly swim behind my flipping jig while working some deep slop, but wouldn't commit.


Here is the set up I use when fishing solo. A handy tripod is set up at the back of the boat, with the camera usually attached for the entire day..




When a fish is caught, off it goes into the livewell. I take a test shot to make sure the image is cropped correctly..




Grab the fish, press the button (12-second timer) and voila!

The tripod is worth its weight in gold if you do a lot of solo fishing such as I do..


Only had two hours to wet a line, but put seven smallies into the boat. Nothing wrong with that I 'spose..


Good Fishing,


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Hey Golfisher,


I actually Pro Staff for Fin-tech..


Check out their website for details on dealers in Ontario, products, etc.




It is a relatively new company, but stores are starting to get the product in.


Any more questions, feel free to send them my way..


Good Fishing,



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Ya sure Justin, you just take a pic with you looking like you're holding a fish then paste one in after :lol:


Nice set up with the tripod that's for sure.


Nice fish and great report.



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Hey Justin, great report. I'll be heading up to Rideau River Provincial park for some camping and plan to do some fishing while I'm there. Any suggestions as to where to start? I haven't fished the Rideau before so anything to help narrow down my search a little would be appreaciated.

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7 SM in 2 hours ....so much better than my action on the Rideau last week. Maybe I should have preceded my time on the water with a business meeting ... Nah. I had picked up some tubes to use while I was up there .... but some idiot (nameless) forgot to pull them out and give 'em a shot. Nice report Justin. Thanks for putting it up.

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Nice work Justin! I like the Junebug tail on the tubes. Golfisher Mustad makes a hook like that I use on soft plastics, it doesn`t screw in just pushes in, it holds them on pretty good. If you take a piece of an old plastic worm and slid it into the head of a tube it will give you more material to grip on. The set up with the jig head on it is a faster deal.

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Thanks for the report, Justin. I notice the scent bottle in your pics is almost always open. Do you have a lot of confidence in the stuff?


That's a good sized hook you're using there too. 7/0?

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Hey Roy,


The hook is a 5/0. Most companies don't make a ultra-light jig head with a large hook - that is what I like about these Fin-tech jigs.

As for the scent - whenever I am fishing verticle-style baits (flipping jigs, tubes, grubs etc..) scent is always part of the equation. Confidence? Probably so..


Good Fishing,


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