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Introduction, and Quick??? Question

Carpe Diem

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At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, here i go anyway.......


Thing is not only am i am new to fishing, i am guilty of being one of the Fishing Pet Peeves described in the thread. Yes, will admit to being one of the passers by who asks; " have you caught anything yet ?" Promise to do my best to avoid doing some of the other things on the list!!


As a shore fishing newbie i have many questions. Bought a book to learn about the sport of fishing before i venture out on my own. (Idiot's Guide to Fishing Basics) Enjoy reading everyone's reports, and love the pictures. Also just bought myself a digital camera, and someday hope to contribute to the message board by reporting a catch or two myself.


Okay, i'm getting to it. My question is can anyone recommend a small pocket book i can carry with me to help me identify a fish should i actually catch one? (Idiot's Guide is big and bulky) Know a carp when i see one, but that's about it. Embarrassing but true.


Just don't want to get in people's way out there, and disturb those seeking peace and solitude while they commune with nature or whatever. I get that the sport can be a spiritual experience. (Plus i don't want anyone pushing me into the water to shut me up.)


Thanks and respectfully yours.

Edited by Carpe Diem
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Thank you so much. Will get myself a guide. There are fishing regulations? (kidding) Where would i get a copy? Canadian Tire perhaps? (that's where i got my license)





Welcome to the board and welcome to fishing!!!!


You can try Canadian Tire or phone a few other tackle shops in your area to see if they have a copy (many places were out last time I was looking). Oh and do not be confused when they give you the 2005-2006 book as there was a delay in the "2007 regulations" so we have been told by the MNR to follow last years regulations. You can find them on the MNR website also. Be sure to look for any additional regulations/exceptions for the area you intend to fish. Enjoy!!!



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Welcome to the board Carpe Diem!


Not everybody minds if you ask if they've caught anything (some folks are just cranky). When inquiring, be friendly and smile. If then person you ask just grunts no or looks at you like you have Lobsters crawling out of your ears (the cranky ones), tell them you hope they catch a big one and move on. If on the other hand the Angler seems friendly, go ahead and chat for a few minutes and ask questions (it's one of the best ways to learn about a body of water).


Keep reading the board and asking questions, you will learn alot here (I know I have), and you may be able to hook up with somebody for a trip or two.


Good Luck!, and I hope ya catch a big'un!

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Welcome Carpe Diem, where are you located? The easiest way to get into the sport is to find someone who is willing to take you fishing with him/her. If you are into carp and not too far from GTA, Photoz is a nice candidate but you need to wait for a month until he recovers. If you are in my neck of concrete woods (Markham) then we can fish together some time.


Okay, my wife is back, I am going out now ;-) (see my other thread -- This morning for details).

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Bly; have to say it is indeed an honor to hear from you. Don't take offence gentlemen. Great to hear from you too. LOVE reading about you and CCMT. Thank you so much for advice. Didn't know tackle shops sold licensces!!! Duh.


Off to a tackle shop this afternoon. Tackle shop virgin actually, but not only do i love fishing, love to shop, so should be fun combining the two.



wolfville; i live in Hamilton, but will be spending time in London too this summer because of a parent's illness. (London, On.) Considering fishing the Thames after reading another member's posts. Anyway, i have a car and am willing to travel to fish. Thanks for the offer. I am female. Is that a problem?


Also, i am a nurse. It is my professional opinion that an outing spent fishing may speed up Photoz's recovery from that nasty kidney stone. (LOL) Will e-mail him. That is a great suggestion. He has lots of great experience, and stories to tell. Thanks wolfville.



Greencoachdog: thanks for the encouragement. Actually caught a 31 pound carp my first, and only time out. Thing is i figure it was just beginners luck. It wasn't even my gear, and would never have accomplished that without my friend's coaching and help. Right place, right time. Consider it as much his catch as mine.


Happy fishing everyone.

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Welcome to the board! :thumbsup_anim: And I agree with Greencoachdog, not everybody minds other people asking, I know I don't but like he said some people are just plain cranky! I loved your intro and I hope to be reading alot more posts from you in future. Again, Welcome! :clapping::Gonefishing:

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Thanks fishergirl72. Have enjoyed reading your posts. Can tell you are a skilled fisher woman, and that you are lots of fun too.


Was very anxious about posting. Has taken me a couple months to get the nerve to do it. It is very nice of you to take the time to acknowledge and reply.


Cheers to you and your family.

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Thanks fishergirl72. Have enjoyed reading your posts. Can tell you are a skilled fisher woman, and that you are lots of fun too.


Was very anxious about posting. Has taken me a couple months to get the nerve to do it. It is very nice of you to take the time to acknowledge and reply.


Cheers to you and your family.


Well thank you for the kind words Carpe Diem, actually I just started fishing about 4 years ago, and I still have tons to learn! I did fish when I was a little girl, but I was never taught properly about fishing. You never have to be anxious about posting, you will start finding it addicting and your friends list will grow. Since I have joined, I have met alot of great people here. If you ever have questions or you need help or info, feel free to ask, people are pretty cool here :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

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Definitely addicting fishergirl72!!!! While replying to a PM i got from a member, the pot of water i was boiling to cook my bait (corn on the cob) boiled dry. OOP's.


Went fishing as a little girl with my brother too.(on the Thames River in London) Closest i got to the fish was carrying the gear, and running our bikes up and down the hill.


Now he has a boat, and fishes most weekends but no women allowed, especially related ones. He guards fishing info from me like it's a national security issue. Maybe he fears being out fished by his sister????? Calling Dr. Phil. Just makes me more determined to learn though. You are so right. There is soooo much to learn.


Nice hearing from you fishergirl72.

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Definitely addicting fishergirl72!!!! While replying to a PM i got from a member, the pot of water i was boiling to cook my bait (corn on the cob) boiled dry. OOP's.


Went fishing as a little girl with my brother too.(on the Thames River in London) Closest i got to the fish was carrying the gear, and running our bikes up and down the hill.


Now he has a boat, and fishes most weekends but no women allowed, especially related ones. He guards fishing info from me like it's a national security issue. Maybe he fears being out fished by his sister????? Calling Dr. Phil. Just makes me more determined to learn though. You are so right. There is soooo much to learn.


Nice hearing from you fishergirl72.


Well I hope that the corn did not ruin on you? :unsure: , I told you this was addicting....gets worse.LOL :thumbsup_anim: I think I caught one fish when I was younger, and I was 18!LOL :lol: You are not allowed on his boat?????? well that's not fair and maybe you can change that one day :whistling: get your own and no boys allowed.LOL :lol: Imagine a Dr.Phil show based on fishing and the women that aren't allowed to go :w00t: That would be different and very intresting! I hope to chat with you alot more! :clapping: It was great to meet you.

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Hey there! I seemed to have missed this thread...so sorry for late welcome. Welcome to the board! As far as your brother not wanting to be outfished by you....I regularly get outfished by bly and our 5 year old daughter. You just get used to it after a while...LOL.


Glad to hear you took up the sport...the more you learn, the more you want to keep going out there! If you are ever in our neck of the woods, let us know!

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