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Traffic Tickets (nf)


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Firstly thank you for all of your advice...


I have decided not to go the xcopper route.. they want 400.00 but promised my points wont go up... I read over the contract and it says if they cant get rid of the points then they pay the ticket and retain the rest... how is that a gaurantee? I am still on the hook for the fine or a portion of it regardless and sill have demerit points on my record... not interested....beside I felt a bit like OJ. Simpson going that route.


I have now decided I am gonna go down to the courthouse and see what they are willing to do for me in terms of working out a deal.. If I am not satisfied with it I will take it to trial.


I am guilty of speeding yes.. I agree. But I do think I have a valid reason regardless of others agree or not.. put yourself in my shoes for just a moment if you disagree.


again I want to that everyone for their input :)



Edited by Gerritt
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Firstly thank you for all of your advice...



I am guilty of speeding yes.. I agree. But I do think I have a valid reason regardless of others agree or not.. put yourself in my shoes for just a moment if you disagree.


again I want to that everyone for their input :)




I'm not beating on you Gerritt, but if you look at the big picture and had smoked some poor child darting into traffic, how then do you justify that, what do you say to that parent? I was in a rush to save my child, the hell with yours... I'd be more likely harping on the child care provider you have to make an intelligent decision. If your boy needed medical care, there's always 911 that will get you an ambulance. No fight, no flames, just honest thoughts.

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Not picking on anyone, however the next time anyone is doing breakneck speed by recklessly rushing to the scene, think of how many other people they have put at risk trying to save another.


You posted the same thought twice in this thread....once was probably enough.


Who said he was driving at breakneck speed recklessly? He was speeding yes, but was he weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, hitting mailboxes on the side of the road? I dont know...and the only one who does is Gerritt. A more sympathetic cop may have even given him an escort. Give the guy a break, the point is that he didn't cause an accident, he didn't hurt anyone else. He was concerned and probably freaking out and not thinking straight...I know I would be if I had previously lost a child. I personally would do EVERYTHING in my power to help my own child....absolutely! I cant even imagine what he was thinking and feeling at the time. He posted on this board to get some advice...he knows he broke the law and was speeding...let's not tear a strip off the poor guy....

Edited by ccmtcanada
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This is in NO way directed at Gerritt




ccmtcanada, I stated my feelings about reckless drivers earlier in this thread and had no intentions of saying anything else about it, but I honestly am very concerned about your last post.


.........You said "He was concerned and probably freaking out and not thinking straight".........


Do you honestly want to share the hiway with somebody in this state of mind, as I know I certainly don't, and this is also the last person in the world I would want to see speeding. It's dangerous enough on the roads with people who are in a normal state of mind, but you seem to be condoning speeding by people who are freaking out and not thinking straight.......pretty darned scary if you ask me.


..........you also state that "A more sympathetic cop may have even given him an esccort"..........


Police officers are well trained in hi-speed driving on city streets, plus they have the advantage of red lights and sirens to assist in getting motorists out of their way.


Police officers DO NOT give escorts to other drivers, especially ones who are freaking out behind the wheel of their own vehicles and not thinking straight.........that stuff is strictly out of Hollywood movies.


We have a VERY good system for emergencies in this country........911


Call that # in a residential area and you'll have police, fire and ambulances at your door within minutes and no need for freaking out drivers to be rushing to hospitals and possibly causing more carnage on our roadways.


Fisherman is a 911 dispatcher and could probably tell you tales that would make your blood curdle, so I don't think you have any right to chastize him about either of his posts on this subject.


On a final note, you also said to Fisherman........"You posted the same thought twice in this thread....once was probably enough"..........we have moderators on this board to make the decision as to when something has been said enough.........that's not up to you, or anyone else.

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Cliff and I sent a couple of PM's and I believe all is well, just different opinions from both sides of the coin. Sometimes my submissions may look horribly misdirected, I assure you, they are not, I have no benefit from ragging on anyone. I'm just trying to show both sides of what could have happened but fortunately didn't. One must often visualize events and possible repercussions from different angles so to speak. I worked for 25 years in enforcement, almost another 10 completed in dispatch like Lew said. I've seen enough carnage to last a lifetime, that's why I made the comments I did.


Let's go back to fishing, shine up the auger and sharpen hooks, tie on new line, wax the runners on the sled, just got back from town and dang the ponds are frozen, if this keeps up, Little Lake will be hard soon. :Gonefishing: Hey MODS, we need a "Frozen Fishing" icon.

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Never tried ice fishing....I think I'll have to try it out this year....at least once anyways!!


Come to Maureen's "Ice fishing for Tyler" event in Feb Cliff...it's where I got my first taste of ice fishing last year and had a good time..for a great cause. From today's lift I gave her I'm pretty sure she said Feb 24th was the date in mind for this year.

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