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Going on this BC fishing trip, I'm thinking a new camera. I've seen a bunch of vids here and on youtube taken with Gopro cameras but what should I buy? Can you take stills with a Gopro or only video? I would like a camera that is water proof (resistant) that can take both still and video. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Can't spend more then 3-4 hundred bucks on it; less expensive the better. It also needs to be all but point and shoot; don't want to spend the trip learning how to use it.

Thanks in-advance for any ideas.


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I literally just bought this item 2 days ago. It is a GO Pro knock-off but it takes 4K and 1080P video and 16MP stills and comes with a waterproof case and a bunch of other accessories. I bought it for my annual Canadian fishing trip but I don't leave for that until May 25. It seems like a really good deal to me. I also bought a baseball cap with a Go Pro mount on the top of the bill to mount the action camera so all I have to do is mount this camera on the hat, go fishing and press the record button on the remote control on the wrist when I want to record a video or take a picture. This camera got great reviews which is why I am giving it a try.



Edited by Alan from Texas
corrected typo, added info
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If you want simple as simple gets Dan, I wouldn't go with a go pro. I would suggest the Olympus XP line of cameras. Easy to use. One touch for pics and video and good for under water shooting or videoing. I am on my second one. I use it for water shots/videos. I do have the go pro session 5 for the out of the water action. If I want to take pics only it,s a bit of a pain. That Is why I have the XP rigged up. You can snap shot pics from videos if you have a program to run the videos.

Sorry for edits. Thinking faster then typing.

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About GoPro, what the others said,  and way over priced.  If you google "action cameras", you will come up with pages and pages of them.  Also do a review of action cameras,  there's a lot of reviews, pro's and con's and some list the top 10, etc.  Some may claim 4K at 30 FPS(frames per second).  That's borderline watching the old flickering 16mm movie projectors.  The human eye "looses" the flickering around 24 FPS, at 30 it's still old technology.  At 60 FPS it's very good, but you're back to 1080P or 720P, lower video quality.  If you have a Henry's photo shop close by, drop in and see them.   At $49, the one Alan posted would be fine for most people that aren't expecting a IMax theatre.

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57 minutes ago, Alan from Texas said:

I literally just bought this item 2 days ago. It is a GO Pro knock-off but it takes 4K and 1080P video and 16MP stills and comes with a waterproof case and a bunch of other accessories. I bout it for my annual Canadian fishing trip but I don't leave for that until May 25. It seems like a really good deal to me.



Let us know how happy you are with this item.

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You guys are talking a different language then what it know. So if you guys were going out to buy a point and shoot sport camera; that could do still shots and video, what exactly would you buy? I;m no photographer, all I want is a decent pic and video capability.  Sorry I don't mean for you to go shopping for me; but I'm lost as to what to get; if I need to order it, it'll need to happen soon. Water and shock resistant would be a plus; when it comes to electronics; I'm a bull in a china shop!!!! LOL

Thanks for any support on this and I will post pics after this trip.

Oh did I tell you guys I GOING TO BC ON A FISHING TRIP!!!!



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Go with the XP camera. Its simple and you will like it. User friendly. I can ship you mine if you want. Just ship it back.LOL


Check your local walmart or shoppers drug store. That is where I bought mine.

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I have a GoPro but I don't find I use it like a normal point and shoot. I like to use my phone to frame the shot and then control things from my phone. Some models have screens but if you don't have a screen or viewfinder, you are stuck using your phone to frame the photo.

I would suggest a rugged point and shoot, but the price will be a lot more  than a GoPro knock-off.

Henry's Waterproof Cameras between $250 and $500

Have a great trip!



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When you get it,practice the panoramic. It takes a bit to get use to, but well worth it.  I stick to the 180 deg left to right motion. You start looking to the left and turn to the right . You hold the camera out so you can see the bar loading. Getting the speed time of moving, is important to get a nice clear sharp pic.  You tube it.


Enjoy your new toy. Oh and the fishing. :P

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Congrats on the trip, you're going to have an awesome time!

I went to Alaska a couple of years ago (which was awesome!) and thought about kitting myself out with a GoPro to capture it. I ended up deciding against it and bought a point and shoot camera with a good zoom on it and I'm glad I did. The waterproof cameras are great but the pictures they take aren't as good - the guides at the lodge used waterproof ones and were taking pics of fish with their cameras and mine, at the end of the week we all turned in our memory cards to pool the photos and the one from mine were way better in both clarity and colour. The camera also shoots video but I hardly used it. While it wasn't waterproof, I bough a decent case for it to keep splash and rain off it and at only $200 or so, it was risk I was prepared to take, we took loads of photos in the rain and it didn't miss a beat.

It seems you've ordered something so this post is redundant but the camera I have is a Sony DSC-WX350. The lodge owner was so impressed with it , he ordered a couple for the guides to test. Edit>> It appears it's now $300 or so - I think I got mine on sale from Henrys and it was a couple of years ago

Enjoy the trip!

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All good info and can/will help others to make an informed purchase. I have a decent Sony that takes good pics but wanted waterproof. If I hurt the Sony my wife would not be a happy camper.  I may still take the Sony for shots around the lodge?

thanks for your input. 


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