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A very persistent Pike


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen stuff like that a few times. I saw a 6 pound pike choked dead with a 3 pound walleye jammed in it's mouth on the Albany River.

2 weeks ago on Ogoki Lake, we saw a fish's tail sticking out of the water waving in the air. We boated over to check it out. A small pike had a just slightly smaller pike by the head and wouldn't let go.

My brother landed a 22 pound pike that attacked the walleye on his line and wouldn't let go for the 5 minute fight. The pike was never actually hooked.

A couple weeks ago we shot a video of a 5 pound pike chomping a 1.5 pound walleye on the line. The funny thing was the pike kept chomping up and down like Pac Man.

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