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What is the strangest mode of Icefishing transportaion ever seen?

Old Ironmaker

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On Shloim's thread about ice transportation I remembered back in the early 80's we were ice fishing off shore in Westmeath on the Ottawa and believe it or not we pass a guy sitting over a hole and he has a Horse with him. A Horse, the size of a Moose without the horns, antlers, yep antlers, no horns on a Moose. I didn't stop to ask him if he rode the horse out or just led it. We thought about asking but didn't want to spook it with the machine. Plus I didn't think it such a good idea to share the ice with about 1000 pounds of flesh on it. I have a grainy 35MM pic of it somewhere deep in a box of other grainy old pictures. It looks like a dark spot on the foto, no zoom. That is one of the strangest things I have ever seen and I've seen some crazy stuff over the years. I would have been worried about the horse slipping on clear ice and breaking a leg, for sure, this guy wasn't I guess.

Sitting by the pool guys in 77F weather waiting for the 2 Sisters that haven't seen one another much since April to get ready for dinner. I told them dinner was for 6 so we should be there by 7:30. Man I need more Sunscreen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm rubbing it in, how's it feel? I'll be back to reality sooner than I thought. I see it's +6 home and this weekend -15 when we land, say it ain't so.

Again, can't get pics from phone to PC. It's my phone for sure.


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Yep, it could be the looser. When it comes to electronics "operator error"  was generally what I wrote down in my lost time reports, then I came up with "Faulty field device."  I had many people I could blame it on back then, not anymore. I'm the guy that needs an electrician to change batteries in my flash lights. I had no less than 6 of 6 outlets upstairs that didn't worked since the day I wired them. One day they miraculously came to life, the day Ticha asked a friend when I was at work one day to do them right. I buy those crank lights now.

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