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Kempenfelt Bay Bass - And little guys first fish (Sorta)


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Took a friend of mine and his son Collins out fishing today. Wasn't really planning on much - figured once we got past the insanity of the Tiffin Boat Launch (it was worse coming out), that we would just jig for Perch (Worms!!!) or troll.


We tried jigging for a while, but there were two problems:


1) The perch were exceedingly good at take the worm.

2) Boat traffic was nuts.


So I decided let's troll for a bit. I have few spots, though to be honest I never really expect much in Kempenfelt (unless going for Lakers - which I have not tried yet).


Little guy was so excited - every weed hit - frankly just the wobble from the the crankbait as he was trolling, was a fish. Actually made my day, listening to him being excited - and then I would hear "oh man" when there was nothing on the hook.


We had been out for - oh I would say 3 hours, when it happened. I had missed a couple of fish - nothing big, but I really wanted to get something in the boat for him. It was the strangest hit - more like a "thunk" and then nothing, but when I pulled the rod tip up, the fight was on.


I told him to grab the rod, but I knew this one was too big to play around with. So he "helped" me by holding the rod, as I reeled in. As it got closer to the boat I knew I would have to take over, but left him holding the rod (with my help) as long as I could.


And this is what we landed (I told him since he had helped, it counts as his first fish)






Anyway - Dad was happy - son was happy - and the Captain (me) who really had no idea what he was doing was happy (Bass and me - still can't figure them out).

Edited by Tupelo
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I was on the bay at 5am off at 11 am. Oh yes, the no need for a launch. ( not rubbing it in ) Driving by the Tiffen Launch, I just howled inside. What a circus, and I dont miss it one bit.


Great pic of a nice smile.


Good on ya.

Edited by Brian B
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