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A few hours of lakers and whities


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After such a beauty of a day on Saturday I was jacked to get out on Sunday,but woke up to north winds and fog as tick as pea soup,so I slept in.Not like me to do that. Get a call to head out Monday,winds are to change to the west 5 km so I say ok. Head out earlly Monday morning and once again the left over rollers from Sunday are still present. No worries,just take it half throttle and were on our way.


Get to the spot and no ones around,We start jigg,n and in no time my guest has a fat whitie to the boat. 10 min,later another fish on.Im thinking to myself, man this guy is kicking my donkey already in my boat. :dunno::( Gets a nice laker.. This is where we all know what happens,hey their catching,lets move over there.Soon it went from just us to 30 other boats.My guest was very funny to listen to as this was happening,those that know him know what I mean. :blahblah1::blahblah1: After about 2 hours and 3 more fish later,I finally get one on (after I miss three other hits) :wallbash: And yes,it was the green monster once again. My guest was taken some action shots of the whole thing,boy I need to lose some wieght. :stretcher::stretcher:


Met up with a few other anglers out there,RSB and Sly and his wife Donna. RSB caught a nice laker right beside us,I couldnt complain,he helpped out this poor sole that forgot his sticks at home. Not that that is a bad thing,but with a guest like I had,I needed something.L M A O.


Pic,s from the day.


Oh and my guest........................................................................................



Nice fish GB. Thanks for the company for the morning fish.














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Guest gbfisher

Intruder..."Excuse me what are you catching?"

guest...."PERCH ! What else? :whistling: "

intruder...."I see".....FISH ON!!

guest.......How's that perch feel?"

intruder....." OH ..........its a huge trout!"

guest......"are you sure? they feel like that when you get them in the shoulders" :rolleyes:

intruder..."no Its a trout for sure!!" <_<

guest....."OK then!" :worthy:

intruders wife as intruder(hubby) strings up his shoulder caught whitefish"what does he mean by shoulder caught?" :sleeping_02:

guest...." that's the best shoulder caught whitefish I ve ever seen" :wallbash::blahblah1:


Sorry Brian.. :whistling: Just cant hold back sometimes.... :rolleyes::whistling:


Nice few hours out man.


THANKS...hope yer ears recovered!

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