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Multi-species ice report - with some night laker action


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I took the opportunity this past weekend to get out to my cottage in Quebec to dedicate some solid hours to ice fishing. I have been out quite a bit this winter, both there and here in Ontario as well. Success has varied between lots of small pickerel and giant Nipissing Perch when I venture out locally, to 5+lb lakers to skunks.

The previous visit to la Belle Province was actually a bit of a bust. Cold temps coupled with other factors had produced a skunk--the first one out there. This time, I was set to try a few different locations and depths and also armed with a few new ideas.

After arriving Friday evening, my buddy and I got the fire going and began dusting a few pints, tying up some lines and plotting a few locations for tomorrows assault.
The next morning, it was on. I pulled my little shack out, and began drilling 10 holes (on this lake, you are allowed 5 lines each) -- we set up off an island in depths ranging from 11 to 32 FOW. Having 5 lines is nice because of the added opportunities but it's also quite a bit more work when its cold.

About 45 mins in, after marking a few nice fish and missing a few opportunities, the first fish was landed. This beauty 19" pickerel hit my buckshot in 26 FOW.


We were pretty happy as previously, Pickerel were scarce in the winter months and finding one this quickly on day 1 was sweet!

Another hour or so later and my buddy ended up nailing a pretty nice laker in one of the deeper holes on a set line. This fellow weighed in at just under 4 lbs.


The rest of the afternoon was actually a bit disappointing. Very few fish marked and no real action to speak of other than my hound stealing old tip-up sticks.


We decided to head back inside for dinner and try a night fish... This would turn out to be an interesting night.

After heading back out I set one line up just outside the shack and had the fishfinder inside watching them both. I decided to try out a rattlin rap, seeing if maybe I could entice a fish to come over and take a swing at it, or maybe even the set line. About half an hour in, I had something really big pass by on the finder but it didn't hit either line. 5 minutes pass and it heads by again. This continued another couple times before I figured I should maybe try jigging the outside line next time he swings by.
As soon as I grabbed the line, it was HEAVY, he was hooked!
An awesome fight ensued in the pitch black and out of the hole emerged this fellow from 26 FOW...



He weighed in at just under 8 lbs and was a real treat to catch. These 2 pics were taken and back down the hole he went...

Not much else happened that evening, we had caught Ling late a couple weekends prior but wanted to give the next morning an early attempt so the lines were pulled up and we headed back.

The next morning the action was immediate with this 4 lb Laker hitting a spoon and coming up for a photo op.


A few minutes later and the fishfinder showed a streak shoot up from bottom and hit my buckshot. After a good little fight, out comes this guy, the first Whitefish I've seen caught in the lake! We didn't even know they were in there.
I haven't caught many whitefish but it seemed really dark -- a trend common among the fish caught there.


We had to come back home late sunday due to familial obligations so that was it for fishing.
All in all a very successful, memorable trip that had a bit of everything thrown in...

I hope you enjoyed the recap...

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