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A Happy & "Healthy" Holidays. (nf)


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Merry Christmas & Happy New Years All. :)



Wanted to pass along this holiday health message not to take away from the festive mood of the season but, more so to keep the mood of the season that much more festive.


Each year when winter weather and Christmas arrive there are certain realities common to hospital emergency rooms. To make people aware of some specific health problems and injuries which are often a theme over the holidays, this message is meant to be a reminder to those wishing to read.



Back Injury & Pain. Yes, it is said at least 25% of adult men suffer some form of recurrent or chronic back pain and/or injuries. With snow removal a common precursor to injury, strain and pain, remember to stretch out and hydrate before shoveling and snow blowing. And think of your neighbors, older family members and any other who may struggle with the snow, lend them a helping hand. Not only might you save a back but you could save a life, for shoveling and heart attacks can go hand-in-hand as well.


Cold & Flu. It is that time of year and the past few weeks the ER's have been busy treating and educating people of all ages. Remember, flu is often experienced as either an upper respiratory and/or gasto-intestinal illness, but true flus are viral infections in which antibiotics will not work to cure; what is needed is rest and fluids. Read up on the differences between common bacterial and viral infections to save yourself and other's from long waits in the emergency room. Get as much sun as you can, stay hydrated and load up on Vitamin C too.


Hip Fractures. For most of us not anything to worry about, but this time of year with freezing rain, snow and slush, the outdoors are slippy skating rinks to the elderly. Older Mom's and frail Grandmothers ( and men as well) are prone to easy hip fractures with just one slip. This can often lead to weeks, months and sometimes even no recovery, and can be quite taxing on families. Do your older loved ones a favor, stop in to say hello, salt or remove any snow and ice around their homes. Give a hand if need be when crossing an icy street too.


Suicide. No joke. In the valley here at home, there have been some recent lives taken and it seems this time of year is always the worst. Not everyone can easily identify depression or suicidal behaviours in others, but if you suspect a friend or loved one may be hurting this holiday season, reach out and offer any help you can.


Car Accidents. Ti's the season. Poor road conditions, vehicles not equipped properly, and holiday boozing are all things to consider during the winter months. If it's not you, it could be that person driving behind or towards you whom could be the risk. Be more cautious this winter, more curteous, and more prepared to drive safe. My wife says, only drink and drive with one drink in your hand at any given time. (joking of course)



Recent weeks and shifts at the hospital, each of these emergencies have been through the doors, a number of them more than once. Fingers lost to a snow blower, motor vehicle roll-over, slip on the porch stairs, hanging and drug overdose, heart attack, legions of coughs & runny noses, lumbar strain & sciatica, and more. All related to winters arrival. With the heavy snowfall too, anglers will need to be even more cautious on the lakes and rivers. That thin ice we do have now has one big blanket of insulation over top, so it will therefor be a little slower to freeze at this point. Be extra careful out there fishing.



Safe, Healthy & Happy Holidays. :D

Edited by Moosebunk
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Bunk I was just thinking I have not touched base with you in while.

Working hard on the new place and looking forward to some ice time in the new year.


A couple days away but Merry Cristmas to you and the family.


Gots plans in store for you in 2013 Mike. :good: Be seeing ya in the New Year for sure. Enjoy the new place.

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