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looking to try out fly fishing


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I'm planing on trying out fly fishing in the summer and I want to get a rod and real combo during the boxing day sales. I'm looking for an entry level rod and real combo that isn't terribly expensive but at the same time will not fall apart. I would mainly use it to fish on my lake (kennisis) for small mouth bass and occasionally on other lakes and rivers in the area. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I should get?

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I would suggest starting with something relatively inexpensive, if you really get into it you can upgrade and get more specialized equipment. Having said that, I would put the bulk of my start-up budget (what ever the dollar amount) towards the rod.


Along with the other suggestions that will come, dealing with, and developing a relationship with, a local fly shop would help as well.

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If you can find a "kit" that might be your best bet.

On the off chance you decide to buy components, this is a rare case where you can go cheap on the reel...It only holds the line.

The rod can be cheap too...As a beginner you want a slow rod, with an action more like an old fiberglass rod than the new Graphite models...No need to spend much.

On the otherhand, the line is every thing!

Buy a good weight forward or double taper line in a weight to match the rod.

For a beginner 5 is light, 6 and 7 are med. and 8 is heavy.

Buy some tapered leaders. The shop should help you select the right weight according to the flies or poppers you intend to use.

I would start with some large wet/streamer flies like the Dace Minnow, Wooly Bugger and Muddler Minnow. These are good patterns that will work anywhere.

After that, just get out and learn to cast...grin.

Good luck


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If its a bass rod its probably an 7/8 weight. perfect to start off with..



Yes.....I agree. The reason I ask is because a lot of people recommend lighter rods and then the fisherman quickly dislikes fly fishing because such an outfit is difficult to use with bass flies and on days when there is a bit of wind.


If it's for bass fishing, I would even recommend a size 9 rod. You can always cast very small flies with such an outfit but you can't cast large bugs or streamers with a light outfit.


Size 5 or 6 outfits are for pond or small river trout and other panfish. Sure you can do battle with a 10 lb fish with such an outfit but you first have to catch the fish.

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I toss some pretty big streamers with a shorter (7'6) 5wt You don't need a 9wt to toss big stuff... It's not like your doing a lot of false casting anyhow, you're basically making a single back cast then punching that bugger in there..

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