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Six Mile Lake (muskoka ontario)


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I apologize for breaking the rules. When going to a new lake, I can usually find some information/tips on the internet. Six Mile was extremely tough to find anything on.


Next time your going to Six Mile, send me a PM. I can give you some pointers on the lake.. As long as they stay of the main forum after :whistling:

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  • 5 years later...

Well, here I am getting ready to fish Six Mile in a couple of weeks. Though I understand people not wanting to divulge their Honey Holes it seems like some kind of advice on areas of the lake to fish for different species would be helpful. Personally I prefer catching ol' Micropterus Salmoides more commonly called Mr. Largemouth. Call it my Southern Roots (Louisiana) or what have you. It's been my experience where you catch one you'll also likely catch a pike or two. I'm not asking for someone's Honey Hole information but I would like to narrow down the areas that tend to hold those big mouth bass. I would appreciate any information anyone would care to share. Don't get me wrong if I find the smallmouth bite going on that would be fun too but I really like catching Largies. All my fish are catch and release. Ok, I ied...... if I catch a crappie or walleye (pickerel) they're going into the frying pan! Thanks :)

Edited by krr6581
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well either folks just ignored my question about Six MIle or nobody reads this forum anymore. I found fish and plenty of them. I went yesterday and found some nice Largies in the grass. found one Island that had a steep rocky bank on one side and lots of grass on the opposite side. On the steep side I found smallies up to 3lbs schooled up in a wolf pack and caught 4 of them. I also connected on a nice walleye there as well. On the grass side of the island I picked up several largemouth again up to 2lbs. There seemed to be largies everywhere I went. I found a drop off at 15 feet and threw a Tennessee Shad colored Fat Free Shad crankbait and caught 3. This is where my biggest fish of the day which was a little over 4 came from. If your willing to look around and take your time looking at your graph (if you have one) you can find a lot of fish. Though I didn't fish for them I did find a bunch of walleye near another island on an underwater hump. They were laying right on the bottom. I was wishing I had a Lindy rig with leach. I may have to go back and catch a bunch if they're still there as they fry nicely in my skillet.

. Bottom line is there are plenty of fish in Six Mile so just go and have fun. By the way all fish caught were released alive. Please practice catch and release so the next angler can enjoy having fun.

Edited by krr6581
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krr, you must have done some digging to bring up a 6 year old thread. As for the lake you sure hammered them, congrats. People do read this forum, regularly. But usually don't get too worked up over a 6 year old thread.


Why not introduce yourself as a new member? Welcome to OFC by the way.


Art, most of the forums I frequent have a rule that threads 6 months old can't be revisited unless by the OP. I don't know if that is good or a bad thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately this was the only post I could find on Six Mile. I knew it was an old post but I really needed to figure out some areas that I could fish based on others comments. Looking at my Navionic charts for six mile there was little to no information on the lake and the same for the internet searches. I went back to Six Mile 4 days later and was almost shut out. I only caught 3 fish on the next trip but one was a 5LB smallie. So not all was bad. There is really some great fishing to be had there but like any other lake or fishing trip situations change and the bite changes too.

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