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Posted (edited)

Hi all, is there anyone here that collects or has knowledge of old wood duck decoys. I have come across a few of them and need help identifying some. Mostly Ontario birds, Prince Edward county, Brockville and Thousand islands area I believe. A few are from Ferman Eyre(1882-1969)Brockville Ontario.


Here are 3 I am looking for help with...


Est. 1920's 3 pc. Black Duck Eastern Ontaio



Est. 1930's Black Duck Eastern Ontario



1930's Tack eye Canvasback Lake Erie





Edited by Harrison

The first one looks like a "Benjamin Taborek" an old timer from up here in my parts .. his decoys are sought after and worth top dollar


My older brother has 7 of them from the 30's and 40's. and look a lot like yours.




Posted (edited)

I know alittle bit about decoys. Here are a couple others. I used to be an avid waterfowler, not so much anymore with a young fam. Not a collector either really, these will be up for sale soon.


Thanks Randy, I'll have a looksee at that carver. I do think they are Eastern Ontario though. We'll see.


thanks again


Whistler Drake, Carver Ferman Eyre. Have 2 Hen Whistlers too by him.



Bufflehead, Dunville Ontario


Edited by Harrison

43 Years ago, I was an avid waterfowl hunter.

I was offered 30 Anger decoys of various species. The Anger Bros produced some very nice decoys in Dunnville ON. back in the 50s.

When I went to pick them up, they were jammed in bushel baskets!

I was lucky enough to get 30 of them.

I never put them in the water, and after some phone calls and negotiating, got enough from the sale to furnish my first home!



I wonder what they must be worth now?


The internet will make shopping those decoys easier.

They probably are worth far more than you might think,

Posted (edited)

Hey Floatman55.


That's awesome! Good for you. I think if you had them now, well, you could more then furnish your house! :thumbsup_anim:


Your right about the internet. Just put them up and see what happens. Thanks


One of the Hen Whistlers by Ferman Eyre.


Edited by Harrison
  On 12/18/2010 at 2:00 AM, Sinker said:

Nice blocks Phil!! You ever gun over them?? They need to be hunted!!!!!


Have you asked this guy?






hey Shane. No not over these ones. But have shot over wood birds once on Lake Erie. Late season divers, it was a blast. Haven't done alot of waterfowling as of late. If the lead ban was on years ago, there'd be alot more of these birds in better shape!


I have contacted that gentleman, thanks for the link.


I disagree with the lead comment. I think there are many, many more important factors dealing with waterfowl, with a much worse impact, than a few lead pellets in thier gizzards.(invasives, predators, oil spills etc.) Thats a whole new topic though, so I'll leave it at that! :whistling:


You can't beat hunting late season divers over a spread of hand made blocks though, that I will agree on!! :clapping:


We'll have to hook up next season for a shoot!


Good luck getting your info, the guy in the link knows his stuff!




Hey Shane, I was meaning the decoys my friend when I said birds. I agree 100 percent with you re: lead.

Yes sir, I'd love the chance to get out with you. Actually, you will join me up north for the ponds next year.

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