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So I think these pics are what Patrick was concerned about in his post, thank god it wasn't me.

My friend emailed me these and I don't have a story behind it, but as you can see it's a good idea to wear glasses while fishing, I hope the young lad is O.K.


So while were on the topic of glasses :whistling: what color of polarized glasses do you use to see in the water while casting or looking for structure and weeds ?


And what about cloudy overcast days do you go with a bright lens like yellow or something ?






Ooooowwwwwwwwwwwcccccccchhhhhhh !




ummm.... ouch!


I have three different pairs of polarized glasses, yellow lens, amber lens and grey lens. I've been hit in the face a few times with a missed topwater strike, and the glasses were my saviour.


HOLY!!!!! I have a new found respect for my wrap around polars. ffeewww!!! ..........................JEEESSSSSSSS......................OOOOOOOOHHHMAN.........Oh man I cant stop oh man that is....................................ooohh man!! DAMMM!!!!


On the subject of lens colours, the mossback series from Solar Bat in my opinion is second to none. I tried many different glasses and when I put my Bats on I was blown away with what I couldn't see before!


Ouch! Absolutely wicked!


I had a lure come flying at me hitting my glasses once. Glasses are a must.


On another ocassion, while removing a Torpedo from a bucket mouth, I had a treble hook impale my thumb. The barb was keeping it from coming out cleanly and I couldn't push it through. Fortunately, my brother inlaw felt comfortable cutting it out using my leatherman! Fish on dude!


Anway, I seriously feel for that guy in the picture. Hope it all worked out.

Posted (edited)

If you want to be even more gross...take a look at the video of a hook extraction from someone's eye....makes me queasy just thinking about it!!!


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> Edited by ccmtcanada
  love2fishhave2work said:
My father in law is never going fishing with me again. He comes to withing wiskars of my face every single cast.



I'd say he's targetting you and maybe his daughter put him up to it? :lol:

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