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Bell hi speed very slow need help NF


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Well we received a new thingy from Bell it was to replace our old out dated thingy that you plug into the telephone cable well since we changed over to this thingy our net is very SLOW and I am not happy we don't download much so we should not have been dinged by that other thing they were doing to slow people down. What ever they did I am not happy and need some ideas for places to look for a different provider for faster service or what to ask them about when I call again about this it takes way to long for OFC pages to load I know dads dial up is fast then we have right now.


Sorry for the rant just a little not happy right now with them


Cheers Mike

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Call em up, explain what is happening and what you need and don t need, then explain to them that you will be swithcing to a new provider asap. That works for me, I have all my stuff with Bell cept cable wich is Rogers, when i have a problem, i tell them i m thinking about swithing anyways so don t worry about it, a miracle before my ears, would you be happy if we reduced your bill to 1/2 for a year, let me think about it.

good luck

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When you call, ask for service in french,the techs are all bi lingual but if you chose English you get to speak to some one in india who doesn't have a clue or speak english very well.



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mike have you tried doing a complete power cycle? by this i mean turning off all things connected to the modem/router (computer(s) , then the router it self, and leaving them off for a few mins? this could also be a problem and can slow you down.


looks like you are on the performance package or fibe 6. any of that sound familiar? im just going by your dl speeds. give them a call, alot of things got screwed up when they went fiber. i give them crap every week cause this is my speed




unfortunately as fast as it is, it crashes on me more than a few times a day, real piss off.


call them, tell them your pissed, get a discount..

Edited by alexcba
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The speed seems to be right in the ballpark for a regular Sympatico High Speed account. I'm a bit of a torrent junkie and am hanging on to an old uncapped Sympatico account and those are the speeds that I get. The best support for Sympatico I found comes from a forum called DSLReports.com, there are two forums in there , " Bell Canada " and "Bell Canada Direct", with Bell's approval a few Bell tech's handle inquiries and problems, find it much better than phoning overseas. There are also forums for Bell Expressvu and most routers, the place has been a Godsend to me when I've encountered problems.


The problem here might not be the modem or the phone line, I've encountered this slow loading at times and 404 errors and most of the time it has to with crappie DNS addresses assigned by Bell. For about a year now I've been using DNS adresses assigned by an outfit " OpenDNS " with none of the frequent problems that I had before. Might want to give it a try.

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Thanks for the advice guys here is what I got from the test

Download Speed: 5516 kbps (689.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 663 kbps (82.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Fri Jul 23 22:12:46 2010



As mentioned by Dave524, your speeds are right on target. I would recommend doing the following since you changed your router/modem: Click Start > Run > type cmd > then type the following in the new dos window: ipconfig/flushdns


That may not help but it's worth a try. Good luck.

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