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Lake Ontario North Shore


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Hi Everyone


Its been a long time since I've put together a post. This spring was very busy.I spent lots of time on the south shore chasing kings and the fishing was great many big fish for the spring.

I also managed to place third in the spring King of the Lake, the top placing Canadian team.







Shortly after I purchased a new boat! A 28' Carolina Classic. Its a dream fishing boat for me and will allow me to take out larger groups in more comfort.






Now for the North Shore Action. This weekend was the King of the Lake Summer edition out of Whitby. I dock at Port Whitby for the summer so fishing out of your home port for a msjor event is nice for a change. We fished for 5 days in a row. 2 pre fishing and 3 tourny days.

The fishing was off the handle! Each day was a steady pick of mostly kings with an few coho's and steelhead mixed in. The fish where hugh! Many fish in the 25-28lbs class caught on prefish days and our big fish on friday went 30.2






George with a tyee- Note he is 6'5" 290 and the fish still looks big!!!




Day one of the tourny was an early start, blast off was 5:15 and we came off plane and started setting lines at about 5:40. I started off working a skinny water program in about 65fow and by 615 we had our box of 5 fish! Insane we didnt get more then 4 rods in the water for over an hour. steady doubles of big drag screaming kings. We spent the rest of the day upgrading our box. Had a hugh heartbreaker when a easy 32-34lbs king came off right at the net!! would have been a much needed kicker fish. We came in with a 24.6lbs avg for 5 fish good enough for 10th place after day 1. Just a note the first place box was 138lbs for 5 fish!!!! INSANE






Day 2 the fishing was a little slower but we still managed to get our box within the first hour of fishing. Had many fish hooked up but keeping them on today proved much harder. At one point we tripled up with 3 big kings, 2 of them went screaming out the back of the boat well the other decided to run past the boat and back under. total chaos! we netted one and then watched as the other 2 tangled up with each other and came unbuttoned! That's fishing. We fished away but try as we might we couldn't upgrade a 16lbs king in our box of 5. We came in with a 22.4lbs avg. It was good enough to move us up to a tie for 7th. Just an incredible event, we caught almost 200 fish in the 5 days we fished and reports from most other teams where the same!

We worked a flasher and fly program for the most part with a couple good kings off spoons in prefishing. Fishing the 85-110 ft range.






Tightlines and good fishing


Ryan Hare


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Nice new boat for the big water! Congrats on the respectable finishes in the KOL, some stiff competition amongst those who fish it.


Look forward to see how you guys do in the next event!


See you on the water...


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Wow...that amazing....well done.


Just curious and a questions...don't take the wrong way...as i am all for keeping salmon as i love them...but after an event like that, do you keep the fish, or give away to friends?


Again...simply awesome!! :clapping: :clapping:

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Thanks everyone! Its going to be a great year for kings!



Great report, the kings are on fire this year. Nice boat, I was checking it out at Port Dalhousie last fall...I wonder what Ivan is driving now hahahaha,I can't keep up with that dude he's got a new ride everytime I see him lol


Isn't that the truth! He picked up a sweet 36' Tiara Open. Its like a cottage, 13' beam


Wow...that amazing....well done.


Just curious and a questions...don't take the wrong way...as i am all for keeping salmon as i love them...but after an event like that, do you keep the fish, or give away to friends?


Again...simply awesome!! :clapping: :clapping:





We kept all of our fish, after the weigh in's we spent time filleting bunches of fish. All of ours where bagged up and divided and will be smoked. We also cleaned bunches of other teams fish that was scooped up by needy families that come to these types of events just to take home fish to feed themselves. I am happy to see the fish go to someone who will eat it and the MNR are usually at the weigh in's and have no problems with them taking some fish.




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Nothing wrong with the Carolina, but those Tiara's are the Cadilacs for the Great Lakes perhaps he's found one he'll keep for awhile hahahaha.I was down in Port Dalhousie a few weeks ago and noticed that Tiara, I shoulda known lol.Looks like your doing great in your sweet new ride!


I remember 1 year where representatives from the Toronto zoo came down and picked up a bunch of fish for the bears.I thought that was a good idea as did the bears

Edited by canadadude
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