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I got out to our "hole" this morning at 8 AM with my daughter for her to try and catch her first rainbow. One problem, someone netted the 3 fish in the pool. How do I know this you may wonder... Well the net was still there tossed into the tree's broken in two. :angry: This pool was/is so small even a spiderman rod would have been the best bet to cast with. I'm not mad that someone beat us to the fish. I'm mad how all 3 were caught. I guess that "person" is also over the limit too...

end of rant...

now it's time to pack up and get ready to go crappie fishing with Laker. See ya out there.

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I got out to our "hole" this morning at 8 AM with my daughter for her to try and catch her first rainbow. One problem, someone netted the 3 fish in the pool. How do I know this you may wonder... Well the net was still there tossed into the tree's broken in two. :angry: This pool was/is so small even a spiderman rod would have been the best bet to cast with. I'm not mad that someone beat us to the fish. I'm mad how all 3 were caught. I guess that "person" is also over the limit too...

end of rant...

now it's time to pack up and get ready to go crappie fishing with Laker. See ya out there.


that's a whole lot of assumptions

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sounds like a spot you should not have been fishing either

What do you mean? It's public land.


that's a whole lot of assumptions

true, but I was pissed as my daughter was VERY upset that she didn't get a chance.



How do you know there was just three fish in the pool? How do you know the fish were netted out if you didn't see the person(s) doing it? Thats a pretty big accusation considering you didn't even see it being done.



Trust me when I say I know they were netted. I was walking to him and could make out what was going on and they ran with the bag of fish when they heard my daughter say "who's that?" I did not have clear view enough to see the person net the fish but while running away one hand was holding the bag, the other nothing. But the broken net was still there in the tree.

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so you didnt try anywhere else other than that pool?

If there was ANY water I would have. This was amlost like shooting fish in a barrel


SRY bud,but you have no proof, and a broken net in a tree means nada?



Ture as the eye can only see so far...


hey Geoff , young_one needs that net back.


that sucks, to bad you couldn't catch him.

i know you would have persuaded him to put them back. :whistling:

LOL, billy C who? ;)


Sry to hear that GBW, I know you've been stalking those three fish since a week ago! I guess for next year, have a Plan B. :)

Ah Will, plan B turned into plan C and I went for crappie on "the bog". Goes to show you no matter how well you plan someone may have beat you to it...

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