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I acquired a LMS-520c sounder/GPS. A fellow upgraded last year to a newer model and this one has been kicking around.

As I have never had one like this before I would like some advise on what is the best option for a map of Nipissing?

The whole lake, not one that stops at the mouth of the French River as some do.

Nipissing will be the only map needed as my boat stays there all the time.


Thanks OFC'ers.


It's too bad my gps/battery/boat is put away or I'd check. When I've been up at your place I've use the Hot Spots charts from Navionics. I can't remember how much of Nippissing it covers though. I can bring up the chip and you can have a look at it to see if it will suit your needs.


Thank you Will.

Don't worry about bringing it up in the winter.

Maybe in the spring. I need to get it installed first.

I just would like to get the transducer on while in drydock, too cold to do the rest of it until spring.


Navionics Canada Premium is the way to go for sure.

I have a 2009 Chip for sale, if you're interested in it.

PM me for details.


I'll second the Hotmaps. The downside is it doesn't cover west of 64. Apart from that, good detail to the east. Don't rely 100% on markers. Keep an eye out for older versions; I believe 2008 covers Nipissing. You might find it new for $80ish.

The 520 is a nice machine. If you want to poke around with it, Lowrance has an emulator online for it. If you require manuals for it, they should be online but I would be happy to send you copies from my 522. Same unit but internal GPS antenna.


Can you guys tell me whether lakes erie or lake st clair are on any of the hot map chips ?


I was told that most of the topographical info I need for both those lakes is already programmed into my Lowrance unit (I,ve got the same one you guys are referring to above) but I'm not convinced.




Thanks fellas.

Brian I do have the manual for it but I had to order the cables and transducer.

Too bad about west of 64, just in case I get to Lakair this year.

Wonder why they don't have the whole lake on it.


The info that is already on the units isn't detailed at all.

I used to have the LMS-520 unit, and the base stuff is literally just that.

  Bernie said:
Thanks fellas.

Brian I do have the manual for it but I had to order the cables and transducer.

Too bad about west of 64, just in case I get to Lakair this year.

Wonder why they don't have the whole lake on it.


I think you're pretty safe to navigate the extra 100 yards or so to Lakair from the bridge but you can call ahead and we'll wave you in. ;)

Most of the West Arm is covered; the worst of it anyway. Beyond 64 into West Bay is pretty easy going. If they couldn't map all of it, at least they got the worst of it.

  SlowPoke said:
Don't rely 100% on markers.


On my Hotmap for the West Arm there's a couple channel markers on the chart that are the wrong color, in that the chart shows the markers as green when infact their actually red and if your coming thru at night or in heavy fog and follow the Hotmap chart you'll be hi & dry on those nice little granite islands just outside the channel :oops:

  SlowPoke said:
I think you're pretty safe to navigate the extra 100 yards or so to Lakair from the bridge but you can call ahead and we'll wave you in. ;)


:lol: Thanks Brian and Lew.

I have a Garmin Rino with full coverage but has a tiny screen. Didn't show markers, just the actual Nipissing chart.

I'd be more than satisfied with that type of map.

Used the Garmin for my trip to Lakair couple years ago and was right on the money as far as shoals but the small screen made it tricky.


The navionics is accurate on the location of the shoals but not that on the depth on some. Commanda Island shows it is just shallow not an island. Some rocks that are 2 feet out of the water on the south end of the gull islands show 6 feet of water. etc.




I bought 16 of them for my camp boats and only one lasted the season.

Hope you have better luck

seemed like most of my problem stemmed from water leaking into the chip area

when they worked they were awesome and my guest loved them.

I will send them in and see what lowrance wants to do

If not I will try humminbirds.


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