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Nasty accident,

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That is terrible. Especially near the Hollidays. Realistically, the operator of the car that fled and the officer who decided to use the spike belt are equally at fault here. The young girl is really the only true victim. The officer should never be permitted to wear a badge again after that kind of bungle. This particular detatchment should also be sued beyond belief! If it were my daughter, I would have that officer and his department drained dry! Hopefully this does not get swept under the rug and buried from public eye. Much can be learned from this and the entire event should be subject to extreme scutiny and public Inquiry.


This is gross negligence and there is no two ways of cutting it! You cannot carelessly place the innocent lives of civilians in harms way like that for a controlled substance violation. It is reckless and negligent behaviour resulting in death. The kid was a local, they could have picked him up at his home at a later point, or issued a warrant for his arrest. I am not sure what the controlled substance was, but I would assume Pot. In any event, do you really think the life of an innocent young girl was worth the arrest and subsequent charge for a drug possesion wrap? Ignorant and deplorable. The police are supposed to have protocols in place for such aggressive actions and apprehension tactics. Either this detatchment has not been brought up to speed on such standard operating proceedures or the officer acted on his own in contradiction to such said protocols. Either way, basic boot camp and re-education should be manitory for all officers in that area as a result of this event. Sad...very sad! I feel sorry for all involved.



Edited by Abraxus
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what if they let the kid go and he hits somebody and kills them do to being under the influence of a controlled substance, most of you would begging for a linching of the officer for not having stopped him earlier, it's a loss loss for the police in you're eyes regardless, it seems fine to some of you that the kid made a mistake but not the officer, remember without the kid NONE of this would have happened, it's a tragic event in all aspects and for all involved

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