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Went way back today. Think I found where he,s hiding


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Not sure what was up today in the bush.It was so quiet.One red squirrel and a chickadee.No black or grey squirrels or blue jays.Really wierd.


Anyways,after sitting in the stand for the first 3 hours of the hunt,I decided it was time to go deep,deeper then I have ever gone before.The drag will be a killer,but I got to find out where these deer are staying.So off I head.I would walk about a mile or just a bit more, when I find the sign I was hopeing for.Lots of big tracks (not hard to see in the soft ground),scrapes and doo doo.Theres water and big pines and some real big hardwood trees all in one area.

So go to an unused stand,un hook it and drag it back to my new found area.Yep,back track 3/4 miles.Im just under 20ft up.And I placed it on a nole.Great shooting lanes and I can see the whole area.






Once I have it all set up I decide to walk the area.This is where I find the fresh scrape and doo doo.




Here are a couple of groundview shots of the stand.








Now I want to find nearby bedding.It didnt take long.I just walked out from the edge of the bush. I swear this deer was only here not even 5 minutes before I found it.It was big and forsure it was from one deer.It,s got to be that big buck.. I couldnt push the grass down anymore then it was,thats how fresh it was.The trails in the high grass are well worn aswell.




Now that Im soaked with sweat,I decided to head out,not to leave to much of my scent.Drop a few scent booms and Im off.While walking back,I look for an area I could build a ground blind.Something in the real thick ceders.I would trim out some shooting lanes.I come accross one area that looks like a good place to set it up.This is for next year.


As I turn to leave,I see this bottle in a stump.Wierd.I grab it and to my surprise,it,s an old Javax bottel.Older then me.Odd to find this out in the bush. I couldnt open the lid,it had about 6oz in it still.Can anyone date this?










After all this,I hit the trail cam.

Looks they are still here.The six and a doe.







Thanks for reading.

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You sure put your work in today. The payoff will be dandy. I was stripping and re shingling my sister's house today in Gilford. Need to finish it tomorrow. Not near as much fun as being in the bush. Hope to get out a few times mid week to the blind and see what's happening out there.

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From what i can find its from the 40's .. and i never knew there would be a message board dedicated to bottle collection!



Btw.. keep up the day by day hunt diary.


Thanks shore lunch for doing the search.Yeah there seems to be alot of interest in old bottles on that site.The wife has an old planters peanut jar.The ones back in the day when they sold peanuts on the counter.


Yep ..


It appears to be from the forties....


Thanks spinner.


You sure put your work in today. The payoff will be dandy.


You just get that roof done and come help me drag when the time comes.I got yer cell#LOL

I dont know if it will pay off,but atleast Im learning more about the area and where they seem to be,,,,,,at times.


What a great adventure! Looks like a great spot for sure (I'm no hunter, but you can see the potential).

Thanks for taking us along!


Thanks Jim.

Coming from a guy that dosent hunt,but does put time on the water,you know you have to do your home work to gain rewards.



Quit singing Newfy lullabyes in the stand.. and they'll come



As for you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Is there a rock for cure 2????? :)




Looks like a nice spot, hope you stick a big one. I had a fawn under my stand the other night, momma was in the thick stuff behind me and wouldnt come out to say hi.


Rich,If it,s brown,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Im at my wits end.LOL

Not sure I could take a fawn.Really.

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