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garbage and fishing locations


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Because I refuse to clean up after a bunch of slobs means I need more environmental education??? Give me a break. :blahblah1: Go ahead and knock yourself out....I'll be gone fishing.


Whoppers got it right...clean up after them today and you'll be back cleaning up after them tomorrow.


As I said.....with your mindset, you are thankfully in the minority.....Obviously you have very limited environmental awareness. Maybe in 20 years you will struggle to find somewhere to "be gone fishing"!


Too bad you will pass along your selfishness to others......

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Whoppers got it right...clean up after them today and you'll be back cleaning up after them tomorrow.







So if you woke up one morning and found someone had Dumped aload of garbage in ur drive way, Front,back yard through the night lets say........Would you just leave it there? Or clean it all up after the pig that left it they're?


Just curious. Because the way i look at it the lakes,rivers, ponds we all fish all of them are also our own back gardens here for us to ENJOY. So how would it be any different?

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I dont think Chris needs enviromental education

Actually he was on along with me that were extremely involved in education and conservation,

Ya really want to know where our efforts went,it went to a few self gratifying individuals who dumped all over us,just like those whom leave trash abound

Actually I think someone else quit because of lack of responsible manegement,we paid to be members and got trashed on


So to picking up after the world,Lets just say our bags are full

I say let the welfare folks earn their keep by developping a program and how about inmates at a cost of 40 000$ a year per head (capital punishement is cheaper)

I think its time the free earned their keeps


I do think something must be done,but when you have taken responsibility for others lack of effort and your reward is less than nothing in respect,you kind see things as they are


Picking up some litter,not a problem ,a shoreline clean up "I doubt it".I've seen some on the Ottawa dump their trash out of their trucks at the ramp ,(only 3 of us put in that day),

So I am gonna pick up after them or anybody else?

I am with whopper


A social program should be developped,make the free living work a bit


Naughty fish,your are comparing apples to oranges,doing what you say is called Tresspassing,if ya dont know what tresspassing involves,well lets just say you end up in more trash than you leave

Edited by marc thorpe
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Someone breaks down on the side of the 401, tens...hundreds of cars pass by. "Someone else will stop to help out, I'll keep driving"


Another person breaks down on a country road, first car that passes by pulls over to help out. How can we explain this phenomenon?


Perhaps we can't blame any given individual for not having the desire to help conserve our resource. After all, someone else will do it...right?


Maybe it is just human nature?



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As I said.....with your mindset, you are thankfully in the minority.....Obviously you have very limited environmental awareness. Maybe in 20 years you will struggle to find somewhere to "be gone fishing"!


Too bad you will pass along your selfishness to others......



Wow.....So now because I don't pick up after slobs I'm also selfish as well as environmentaly uneducated. John for someone who dosn't know me, you sure have done a fantastic job of assessing how I behave environmentally. So let me get this straight......we all use the highway, so when the snow disappears in the spring and the miles and miles of ditches are full of Timmy's cups, cigarette packs and bottles....anyone who doesn't clean up them is environmetally uneducated and selfish??? I'll bet you more than half of the people using this message board have never cleaned up garbage at a launch or along the road before. Gee maybe some day I'll be as educated and selfless as you are. :worthy::worthy:


If it makes you feel superior, go ahead and lump me in with people who throw trash all over the place. I think some of you people need to stop watching the news and get out of the city for a while. And make sure you give yourselves a few pats on the back for the wonderful job you are all doing of keeping the garbage (that I didn't put there) picked up.


Guess I'm just not politically correct enough. :clapping::clapping:

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Perhaps we can't blame any given individual for not having the desire to help conserve our resource. After all, someone else will do it...right?


Maybe it is just human nature?




Hey Tony been there done it,it cost me 2000$ to bail good people out of bankruptcy

I've tried and will continue trying but I look at reality right in the face(I am a responsible person),litterers will be litterers,Actually the one litterer I mention is a conservationist

If your so generous,mind re-embursing me,because its public funds they wasted that got them there

Maybe I"ll throw in the 2000$ for garbage collection and take care of society

there an old saying no good deed goes un-punished


I find it ironic how some critize others for their un-willingness without knowing what they have done which lead them to disbelieve in the good of man kind,It does not exist


Tony there's a big difference between providing assistance to someone stranded and picking up someone elses garbage

Compare apples to apples please

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So let me just try to get my feeble mind around what you and Chris are saying Marc......Because you have had some bad experiences in a past life you are now willing to walk over someone else's garbage to fish? Your bag(s) must indeed be full! Sorry, but that's how I feel.


Certainly, our welfare recipients and our incarcerated need to earn their keep. I think that I commented on that in an earlier post. We could learn something from our friends to the South about how to manage our inmates. Many states put them to work on a daily basis cleaning up after the slobs. As far as capital punishment, well you will need to start a new thread on that one... :)


Chris, I wasn't accusing you of throwing trash all over the place just the insensitivity of not wanting to suck it up and pick it up. It's not going to make the morons stop, it may in some small way help tho'?

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John, I can't speak for Marc but I can tell you my comments have absolutely nothing to do with any "past life". I'll try to be more "sensitive" for your benefit in the future (but still won't be picking up some idiot's trash). Last time I checked I was still being taxed thru the nose....there are public works and city staff that are (and I use the term loosely) "supposed" to be taking care of trash problems in their respective jurisdictions. Maybe instead of wasting your breath on my selfish environmentally challenged ears, you should contact your local politician. Sorry but that's how I feel.


BTW can you tell everyone here how many times in your life you have cleaned up the trash along the many roads you use.....

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Chris, sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Sensitivity is not my long suit. I don't mean to offend anyone here, just some topics push my buttons more than others.


We are all taxed through the nose and many other organs too....however if we hold our breath waiting for our public servants to do anything decisive, or soon, we will...... well, you know!


For the record, I am 53 years old and have lived in this wonderful country for 32 of them. I always, repeat always, carry a few garbage bags with me when I am camping, fishing or just hiking. Do I pick up other peoples garbage at highway intersections, medians etc, hell no. But if I see some thoughtless buggers junk on the ice, in the woods, on the shore or in the shallow water you bet your gonads I will pick it up...........

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Certainly, our welfare recipients and our incarcerated need to earn their keep. I think that I commented on that in an earlier post. We could learn something from our friends to the South about how to manage our inmates. Many states put them to work on a daily basis cleaning up after the slobs. As far as capital punishment, well you will need to start a new thread on that one... :)



John I agree with you

I do pick up,I have my limit.I aint collecting a pile of trash for the mass

I cup here a cup there yes,but a pile of trash? Its should not be there in the first place

So no,I aint picking it up


As for the ice ,its pretty simple,The Outfitter should be held responsible and the area of acces charging to get on.

They should do round and let folks know to pick up after every piece of trash,they could even provide the garbage bags every day!

To hold every other angler accountable for everyone elses actions?I dont think its right

Its a volunteer practice in which you are partaking in picking up after someone elses ill practice


Keeping the enviroment cleans starts with the operators of access to the lake or outfitters


If your gonna place responsibility of actions,its must be on those that litters and those that provide acces to metropolitain/urban fishing.

These kinda things you dont see in northen resorts or outfitters,because they keep it clean


Town and cities could have an inspector do a round at all the outfitters ,few weeks before they pulll off.It would take 1 winter if everyone and the ministry of enviroment made it mandatory when aquiring a license to operate.Including rental huts that the operator stores for locals.


Its starts at the source,not the end user who does it right


Thats my hole point in opposing the critizizing of those who wont pick up after others,they really dont have to

Examples such as mine are very valid reason,sorry John,I have little faith in the overall goodness of people.We are living in a different era than when we where brought up.

John,people dump on people and do things for no valid reason,how can you critize someone who does good and wishes no longer to partake in picking up after others?

Their is no reason


Its a gracious act to pick up litter,its not an obligation nor a reason to condescend someone who wish not to.Its a personal choice,does not make you less or more because you do it or not

Makes you less of a person if you litter


I understand what folks are saying but we have to look at who is trully obliged

Edited by marc thorpe
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From what I understand, the idea of clean ups are to educate the public that not all anglers are inconsiderate slobs and that the majority do actually care. The community gets too much bad press to begin with and now we will have to deal with P3TA campaigns in our backyard. We know what has happened in the past when bleeding hearts take up a cause.


I've never been involved in a clean up thing yet but do plan to this spring on a local trib. I really don't see much wrong with cleaning up some crap out of the river I fish personally, but I also don't see the point of wagging a finger at someone who doesn't see the benefit. Arguments are reasonable for both sides IMO, I just want to see a clean river bank once in a while.


We should have a "gentlemens" agreement with local law officials that if you witness someone chucking trash, you get to kick them in the nuts! :P

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As for the ice ,its pretty simple,The Outfitter should be held responsible and the area of acces charging to get on.

They should do round and let folks know to pick up after every piece of trash,they could even provide the garbage bags every day!

To hold every other angler accountable for everyone elses actions?I dont think its right

Its a volunteer practice in which you are partaking in picking up after someone elses ill practice


Keeping the enviroment cleans starts with the operators of access to the lake or outfitters


If your gonna place responsibility of actions,its must be on those that litters and those that provide acces to metropolitain/urban fishing.

These kinda things you dont see in northen resorts or outfitters,because they keep it clean


Town and cities could have an inspector do a round at all the outfitters ,few weeks before they pulll off.It would take 1 winter if everyone and the minitry of enviroment made it mandatory when aquiring a license to operate.Including rental huts that the operator stores for locals.


I can't argue with that Marc.

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I agree with Marc that it is a volunteer effort and a personal choice.


ChrisS I think your post was taken out of context in this thread, it seemed like a $hit disturbing kind of post at first. I can totally understand your frustration with it.


Let's move on and how about that deposit strategy for all things disposable :thumbsup_anim:





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Our local Lions club has a 1 mile stretch of highway 11 that we clean up twice a year. Incredible the amount of trash we pick up. Its awful. Makes me sick that some people have no consideration for their country/province/community.

Edited by Nipissing
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