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Long Lake Report... Where'd all the fish go?


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This if my first photo report and probably my last full day of fishing for the season.


I was at Long Lake, in the Kawartha Highlands near Apsley. Last time I was here was two years ago and I had an incredible day. Hauled in three largemouth over 3 pounds and a small mouth that was almost five pounds.


These pics shocked me at the quality since they were taken with my Blackberry Storm.




I rolled out of bed to semi-sunny skies in Peterborough, but as I traveled further toward Apsley, the skies were looking pretty bleak. In fact the temperature had dropped to 15 (18 in Ptbo) and even was spitting rain on my as I traveled up highway 28. Needless to say I wasn't thrilled.


When I got to the boat launch, this is what it looked like...




Since the weatherman said it was going to be 23 and sunny, I was sorely disappointed. With the chop on the water, courtesy of the breeze, I decided to run to Apsley to pick up a long sleeve shirt, presumably the only XL that was for sale in town today and it looked like two stores were open.


After picking up some warmth, I headed back to the lake to launch. It was still a little dreary, but if you've been to the Kawartha Highlands, it is always a place full of stunning scenery.






Naturally, I was heading into the wind, going three horses strong in my 12 ft. tinner. I puttered around and realized fighting the chop was going to be a battle all day.




I fished around in the small bay near the marina and found nothing that the fish or I liked.


I headed up the main body of the lake, and after about an hour, the Lord finally decided to give me a glimpse of sunlight.




After fshing away the morning, I came to the portage to Buzzard Lake






The guy at the store told me it was 540 meters from lake to lake, so I counted it by steps... right around 500 steps for me... I don't think my stride is a meter?


Here are some more pics of Buzzard...









I left the portage and headed a little further north to where Long turns into Loucks Lake with the plan to let the wind drift my back the way I had come, fishing as I go.


I pulled out the bait caster and promptly got some action...




There was one bright spot in the experience to this point...




I brought along an old spool of Berkley TriMax, 17lb test I had picked up in a huge lot of line off of ebay that I had bought for some old wood spools that were included, with this being a bonus. I stripped off the old 12lb test line and set up to spool my bait caster on the water. I find this to be a really neat setup from this spool of line, it has a clip on case so you can just clip it on your rod and reel. Makes things easier for sure, I'll be using this for spooling from now on...




As i drifted along, I finally got some bots on old reliable, the smoke colored senko.


One lucky cast, wait... wait... set the hook and...




That pretty much summed up the day. I did catch a half dozen more, none more than a pound. I need to do some reading on finding bass in the wind because it really made for a huge challenge for the day.


I headed in early, my flat bottom 12 footer wasn't made to deal with the wind, so when it picked up, I packed up.



All in all it was a great day, as is any day spent on the water as opposed to spent in the cubicle...








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some great looking photos, especially from a blackberry! Who needs a camera?


No doubt. It has a 3.3 MP camera and I knew it was decent, but I really feel like it was great. I'm shocked.


I almost dropped it over the side a couple of times, which would have been bad... ha.

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Sounds like a pretty good report...but I'm at work and can't see the pics :wallbash: Will check 'em out when I get home...I've got the same bb camera, and it's amazing!

Just curious...you portaged the tinner? By yourself?

My $0.02 for the wind troubles --> DRIFT SOCK! Sooo worth it :)

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Yeah, wasn't clear on that. I just walked the portage to check it out, didn't actually portage. I stayed on long. I'm thinking of a way to put wheels on my boat, but that is a project for the winter or something. That would be a one man portage though with wheels on the boat.



Sounds like a pretty good report...but I'm at work and can't see the pics :wallbash: Will check 'em out when I get home...I've got the same bb camera, and it's amazing!

Just curious...you portaged the tinner? By yourself?

My $0.02 for the wind troubles --> DRIFT SOCK! Sooo worth it :)

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Cool report and beautiful scenery thanks.

Trimax hasn't been around for years. 18-19 years ago it was my favourite line and incredibly expensive.

I was sad to see it discontinued.

Be interesting to see if line that old holds up.



I didn't actually catch any fish on it, but from everything I've seen from casting and getting snagged up yesterday, it is still fine. I think I have 2 or 3 more rolls of it too.

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