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Red Cedar Lake

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Just back from our week of vacation up North – Red Cedar Lake this time...well mostly...

First great thanks to Thom and Cliff as well as all others who have offered info on fishing/camping on the lake.

Main goal was catching as many walleye as possible...well it didn’t work exactly as planned...I got some...we had enough for the frying pan but nowhere the number of fish I was hoping for (or was used to catching previous years during various camping trips).

Nevertheless we’ve had a lot of fun despite the not so friendly weather (tons of rain and even hail, good thing I have top quality tent) and TONS of mosquitoes clearly on a mission to eat us alive.

Here is the site – a great a roomy one:


There was plenty of time to play:


...And catch some fish....


...and some more fish....


...Relax around the fire...


...Quality family time...


...The upcoming fisherman/boat captain...


...Even few minutes of disciplining some of the crew when needed...


...Must make note of my great fishing machine...


....Trolling the delta of Temagami river for eyes and getting some pike and bass in between...


...Those guys were on a training mission in great numbers....


After trying so hard for eyes with not as much result as desired I’ve decided to switch back to the GUARANTEED catching...i.e. making a quick 4 hours trip to Temagami on my way back. I knew these lakers are waiting for me as they always do every year.

Here is the result we’ve managed despite the on and off rain that afternoon...


And this guy must have been VERY hungry as the bait in his stomach was almost as big as him...still don’t know how he managed to fit it in one piece...?!?!



So that was it from us in pictures...Back to the reality and the the daily routine but now with renewed energy level.



Ice Fisherman

Edited by icefisherman
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That camping location is called Rangers Point...no idea why they call it that. Nice report and the little fellas will remember those experiences....good on you. I'm leaving tomorrow for Red Cedar and I'll be there most of the summer.

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Well it seems you found your campsite. You won't get a nicer more kid friendly one than that!

Looks a great time. I can relate to the weather and bugs you described, I was up north at the camp the same week.

(Buy a screen tent for next year. :) )

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Cute little apprentices!


Some of the best times are when you're out with the family... awesome!


I second the screen tent. When we were doing a lot of camping with our boys we wouldn't do without one. It's worth the extra packing and setup - both for the insects and for rainy weather. We had a 12 x 12 with roll-down flaps that we could also heat quite well with a propane heater for early or late season fishing. (It was also great for moose hunting.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Great Pic's - thinking about heading up there Aug 7 - 17. Do you recommend Red Cedar or Temagami.


Both are good lakes to camp should you like crown land camping.

Temagami is better if you like lake trout and Red Cedar if you are more into Walleye.

We will be camping on crownland, are both just as good for sites. Is there a lot of boat traffic?


Much more traffic on Temagami but it is much bigger lake too.


Which place

did you have better fishing at? Any input would be appreciated.


Temagami has always been good to me. Did OK on Red Cedar but will not go back just for the fishing.

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