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Ice Out Lake Trout Report


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The ice left the lakes last Sunday and visions of Grey started dancing in my head! So, the next day i went out seeing if I could entice any laker takers, however, it was not meant to be. The lake didnt turn yet and it was simply to early. Fast forward to Friday, and with my brother being up, and the warmer temps throughout the week, we decided to give it a go!


Left town at 6pm, and were fishing with lines in at 6:20...gotta love it!!! The plan was to start trolling the shore line and go were the motor takes us. Fishing this time of year I like to fish tight to the shore, usually 6-10 feet of water. I start marking "bait buckets" schools of bait fish with large fish around them, around the first point...a good sign, the on the second pass my brother hollers fish on! Good Sign!! A decent fight and soon what we came for slides into the net..a solid laker






And the release



We were excited, and thinking this is going to be a good night. Now someone who was thinking would stay around the baitfish, however, yours truly gets an idea to leave the spot and start trolling the shoreline..... :wallbash::wallbash: Yeah...lets leave bait fish and fish... So, we continue on, and on, and on....always saying to each other..lets go back....when finally we do....45 minutes later we are back on the point, and not a complete pass by...FISH ON!! Somethings tellling me to stay here, marking fish again, and catching another. It was a decent fish that put up a good scrap, unlike the first on.




Now, you would think we would stay here for the rest of the night.....but No....we move again!!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: We go and try other spots on the lake with nothing...not even marking our "bait buckets". So its getting close to dark and we decide lets go try the point again...because it should produce :wallbash: . LOL...we get there and as our line just come acroos the point my rod goes off....Fish on!






So, if i could pass along any information to anybody, old or young, vets, or rookies...is that...when you mark fish, and then you catch fish on that spot....Stay there....especially if the rest of the lake is dead!

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Nice troots bro!!! ;)

So now you have learned the age old lesson "Don't leave fish to find fish" B)


P.S. I will troll in water as shallow as 2 feet until the water starts to warm up.

One of the biggest trout I have had on in my boat (55#) came from 18" of water. :w00t::w00t:

Edited by DRIFTER_016
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