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bye bye cormorant


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We should kill all the loons while were at it. :huh:

I mean the darn things are just a cormorant with pretty feathers.

Hope nobody looks at us as invasive.


i'll soften this up a bit ,, educate yourself before you make anymore ridiculous statements!!!

loons are the symbols of a wild healthy environment ,, cormorants unchecked equate the end of any healthy eco system that was previously in place .


any positive changes due to cormorant introductuion to any eco-system that you can report ,would certainly give your arguement some much needed aid ,, i'm waiting,,,,,

Edited by waterwolf
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man is the dominant creature so far. we have a right to defend what we want, when and if cormarants take that positition from us let them do as they please. we have no cormants in southern ohio that i know of, but i am currently in a battle with black head vultures who are very aggressive towards cattle especially while calving, they will pick the eyes out of new born calves and attack the cow at the anus during parturation(birthing) they are a protected specie, but i will be damned if i set back and watch the show .22 usually ends it in a hurry. damn me if you want, but i raise top notch breeding stock cattle and will sacrafice a few invasive birds to continue my lifestyle.



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Are you SERIOUSLY trying to compare killing cormorants to fish management programs which aim to PREVENT overfishing?


I do work in "ecosystem management" and some would say I play god. That said, I work with INVASIVE species, not native ones.


Absolutely am. You described a cormorant cull as "ecosystem management" or playing god......i think managing the fish population, whether it be through preventing overfishing or stocking species in ecosystems where those species had not previously been (or survived) is as "godlike" as determining that the cormorants are a nuisance and should be limited (or eliminated).

Edited by cram
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As soon as a season opens, I'll be the first guy around with commorant decoys :)


I think I'd really like the splash they'd make when you drop them at 30 yds.


I bet if you set up on an island, and put decoys up in the trees, you'd kill a lot of them.


I'm in.

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As soon as a season opens, I'll be the first guy around with commorant decoys :)


I think I'd really like the splash they'd make when you drop them at 30 yds.


I bet if you set up on an island, and put decoys up in the trees, you'd kill a lot of them.


I'm in.


I'd cheer that......very exuberantly.

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I just took a very quick look through this post- man, some of you guys actually seem to have a hatred for these birds.

Man has removed the predators from the ecosystem and that is why there is an "overpopulation" in some areas. Many of you are complaining about the trees that cormorants kill while nesting. Think about the number of trees that are completely wiped out by the ever expanding urban sprawl around Toronto. There is ABSOLUTELY no comparison.


Shooting protected vultures???????

Man is the dominant creature so far, we have the right to defend what we want??????


These sentiments are problematic.

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It's not hatred, people see the damage and want something done about it. There is no political will to take the steps necessary to control a massive overpopulation. I'm sure most people wouldn't have an issue if it were only a few birds but once you've seen clouds and clouds of the black eating/crapping machines fly overhead or fished downwind of a colony it's very frustrating knowing nothing is being done and that you are unable to take any consequential action on your own.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
I just took a very quick look through this post- man, some of you guys actually seem to have a hatred for these birds.

Man has removed the predators from the ecosystem and that is why there is an "overpopulation" in some areas. Many of you are complaining about the trees that cormorants kill while nesting. Think about the number of trees that are completely wiped out by the ever expanding urban sprawl around Toronto. There is ABSOLUTELY no comparison.


Shooting protected vultures???????

Man is the dominant creature so far, we have the right to defend what we want??????


These sentiments are problematic.



true story.

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I just took a very quick look through this post- man, some of you guys actually seem to have a hatred for these birds.


These sentiments are problematic.


Rallying a cry of re-sentiment(resentment) is the oldest trick in the book

in bringing violence upon a scapegoated species.

Luckily in this thread it is cormorants not humans of different race and colour.

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