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Hey Misfish...


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Hey fella,


So I am at the gym this morning with a conundrum. I had no socks. So I says to myself. Self, you need to be able to swim a 1/2 mile by september. Why not start working on it today. Ok I says to me.


I spent half my time in the pool pulling my shorts up...hahhaha.

Went out and purchased a bathing suit...Size Large!


I qualified for my health premium on Friday by weighing in at 221 lbs.


Next week I start weight training as I have six weeks consecutive at home. I am in an "Adventure Race" at one of the local state parks in September. 1/2 mile swim, 3 mile run, 10 mile bike. I believe that my goal times are 30-33 minutes on the run, 30-34 minutes on the bike and I have no idea on the swim yet.



How are you doing? Still staying strong?


Anyone else having a succesful year getting healthy?

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That's Great Steve, I'm proud of you.


I started my own weight loss/get fit regime about two weeks ago. I started walking, then jogging (well half jogging half walking) and watching what I eat. I'm down 5 lbs so far and went and bought myself a "good" pair of jogging shoes yesterday.


I'm hoping to lose about 15 more lbs, but want to tone also so have incorporated a bit of Yoga and some small weights to start.



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Hey Joey,


I was doing the Jogging program and my knee gave me some problems so I have shelved it for a while. If I am still at this in June then I get a good pair of running shoes. We have a couple of great running shops around.


I have been doing a lot of walking cycles on the treadmill. I do a lot of incline walking. Recently started my bike work and becoming a lot stronger there as well.


My go to has been the Eliptical. We have a couple different ones at my YMCA and they each seem to give me a different work out.


My biggest surprise during all of this is how quickly my fitness level improved and continues to improve. I really like it.


Good for you, Joey. Are you still done with the darts (smokes)?

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I was never done with the darts Steve, only the drink. I'd like to quit. Maybe I'll lose an extra 10 and then quit. You know how quitting makes you gain <_<


I've also noticed the fitness level progress quickly, alot quicker than I thought. I hate gyms tho so I'm going to try the outdoor thing all summer. I also have an exercise bike for rainy days, and I bought some aerobic dvd's today just in case.



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Hey Steve thats awesome bud.

I am in need for truncks aswell.I cant pull the waist string any tighter. LOL


Still going strong and now that the nicer weather has arrived(except for yesturday)Betty and I are jogging the shoreline path on the weekends.


Keep it up.Your doing a great job.

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