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Hi All,


been keeping an eye out around the forum, but with the arrival of our first child any day now i aint been getting out much...well....i have been out the front of the house a few times but the fishing is awful this time of year....if ya catch anything its tiny( 4"-6") walleye.



I am going a bit stir crazy, but not much i can do about it. My wife is fantastic....she is taking it all in her stride, although her stride is more like a duck waddle these days.



Got up this morning, beautiful day, sunny, -15 C, no wind.......lol....guess what i'm thinking :whistling:



Funnily enough i think my cat had the same idea......


























COME ON LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!








Nice try cat, but alas i dont think so...maybe....maybe...tomorrow :rolleyes:








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Poor old bugger's got the right idea and understand your dilemma..... I too feel the signs of withdrawals of not seeing your reports and videos :wallbash:


Come on Simon, go out the back yard on the lake and take a video and post it.... just so I don't go insane LOL

Please.... pretty please!!


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Hi All,




My wife is fantastic....she is taking it all in her stride, although her stride is more like a duck waddle these days.



Funnily enough i think my cat had the same idea.....


Nice try cat, but alas i dont think so...maybe....maybe...tomorrow :rolleyes:




I wouldn't let your wife see you said that :P


As for your cat.....I think he/she is trying to tell you it's time for some fresh fish in the diet :D



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