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this little lady decided she would chew my shoe laces untill i fed her something.

Timbits is all i had and timbits is all she wanted. she tried to get into my truck several times sniffing out the box of timbits after taking several from my hand.

Sooner of later someone is going to trap or shoot her for her fur or because shes defintally domesticated, and i probably didnt help the fact by feeding her, but she was so damn pretty i couldnt help it.

anyone ever ran into a fox this domesticated


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I had a fox stalk me once. It kept a good fifty yards back, but every time I moved towards it, it would back off and then inch forward again. We played this cat and mouse game for about an hour. Everywhere I went, it would just turn up.... and watch me....just sit there and watch me. funny!

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There's one at my camp that comes around looking for handouts all year 'round. I know I probably shouldn't but I throw him all kinds of scraps...he'll eat just about anything. The little dude (or lady) walks around my yard like he owns the place now. Also, the partridge population has exploded the last year. I've seen the fox walk within ten feet of a couple of birds and neither the fox nor birds seem to pay much attention to each other. Why chase your dinner when you can just take it from a friendly hand? That's the main problem...he's becoming reliant on the hand outs.

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There was one at our annual fishing trip this year that was always looking for handouts:


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I agree that you shouldn't feed them but damn the cute little buggers make it hard don't they?

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pretty cool pics and stories guys. There was a fox down in the Niagara Glen that would come around and steal minnows out of our bucket. In the summer the water is low in the morning and raises later on in the morning a considerable amount. So we would be fishing but our gear and stuff is left way up the bank. It was pretty funny to turn around to see a fox slinking away from the minnow bucket having a much down...fish for a few minutes look back there it is again. I will have to see if I can find some pics to share and scan them, didn't have a digital camera back then


thanks for sharing the pics

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There is a boat launch on the upper ottawa river,where a little fellow mr.red.fox hangs out,and he will stay about 100ft or so away,and when you leave food,on the dock,and leave in your boat he will come right up and get it !!!the locals who live there take scraps of food to him as well,i have seen him a few times but not for several years???...does anyone know how long a typical red fox will live ?????...great video clips guys,they are really tame little guys too :thumbsup_anim::whistling::clapping:

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