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Fishing For Information?


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I'm trying to dig out some info on possible ice fishing spots WITHOUT expecting to have them 'handed' to me. For instance . . . it's easy enough to 'Google' a route up to Jack's Lake, but if I wasn't sure of entry points, depths & species available, can this be found on the 'net? Most lakes of ANY size at all are listed, but other than ads for local businesses, little or no actual info on the lakes themselves. I know lotsa decent spots, but would like to have a few new ones to drive to, with some basic info to get me started off, BEFORE I head out. Again, I'm NOT asking for 'honey-hole suggestions, just possible ways to find my own, and save a bit of time & gas? Any 'hunting' tips?

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Ice Fishing Ontario appears to be about 90% ads too . . lodging . . . outfitters . . . fish recipes etc. But t'anks for trying, I'm gonna drop over to Chapters tomorrow . . . they might have something? I haven't bought a fishin' book in years?

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Grimace has it dead on !!!! the series of backroad maps is a must for every fisherman that wants to know new spots new lakes,new routes,camping spots trails everything !!!! there are four i think,get the one that suits your needs,....they have both topo & fishing books,and they have tons of detail too,they are about $25 bucks each !!!....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

Edited by fishindevil
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Hm m m m m . . . .. I obviously got on the wrong site . . . or just wasn't looking in the right section? I'm just a bit thick . . . could you give me a link? Sounds like a good sound investment? T'anks in advance. I already have several 'back roads' map books, so that's a good start.


'Tis okay . . . I found it . . . looks well worth the money! T'anks again. Amazing site, hundreds of topo maps . . http://www.fedpubs.com/order.htm

Edited by Photoz
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I have the various fishing mapbooks and the backroad maps.


What I do is this. I spent some time with the fishing maps I had interest in, figured out where exactly they where with the backroad maps and then used the ontario fishing regulations book. I have the fishing seasons (with the exceptions) of each lake marked on the map, with a referral as to which page on the backroad map it is on, that way you can plan to hit a few lakes over a week-end and know exactly what type of fish your going for and what the season and the special regs are. Be sure to read about the lakes with no maps. There are a bunch of them, they have general descriptions of them in there. You can find em on the backroads map and head out and check it out. There is a bunch of honey in those pages.

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Mussio ventures in my opinion have the best books.






This ice fishing one is a real sweety. Again be on the look out for the lakes with no maps. There are some real nice Lake X's in there..


Edited by Grimace
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Great info grimace !!!! ...thanks,i have seen that other company before,it will be nice to know compare,the power of the internet !! its the advice i give alot of people to do your homework,and study maps,and go fish new lakes,rivers i do it all the time,and i have been for years,long before GPS,and stuff,i spent many hours & days driving around and scouting and talking to locals,and hitting all the tackle & bait shops,in the area i was interested in,as well i have met some great people,who became friends by just driving up north with my boat on the back of my car,and finding new lakes,i still do this,and i usually start by doing research,i have tons of maps,that i have collected over the years,from all over,including the M.N.R when they used to give them out for free,for years they did that,as well as stocking lists and everything !!!! cheers man :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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I can stare at maps all day. I love them. Staring at them thinking about what humps hold more fish and why they would, making up a total game plan ahead of time and have it all fall apart and then you change strategy, have mixed results and learn a bunch about a strange body of water along the way. It is heaven. Cheers man.

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Thats exactly what i do grimace!!!!!..all the time,ialso have a handheld lowrance h2o ifinder GPS with navionics goldchip,and it shows sooooo,much info,i can look for other lakes & rivers while im on my way fishing to a lake !!!! im always gathering info,from maps,and from the internet,it never ends or stops !!!..lol..lol.. :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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No problem boys. I have a sled this year so my options just got a lot better. Before I would always have to look for lakes along the dirty ole back roads but now i can take the dirty ole back roads, launch the sled and go from there. Cheers

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