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Fish Crisp


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I like Cronzy's better but fish crisp is decent enough.


I found out that with Cronzy's if you don't like a ton of sodium just take one 1 cup of it and add 2tbsp flour to it or if you want it come out extra crispy add 2tbsp of corn starch. Blend it well together and then use it the same as directed, it still has plenty of flavour.


If you really want to freak someone trying to figure out how you made it take some chicken wings dip them in Franks red hot sauce. Throw them in a ziplock bag with Cronzy's mix diluted as above. When then are coated take them out of the bag after squeezing each wing really firmly. Knock of the excess coating and deep fry until done. Serve with a good home made blue chesse dip NOT crappy old store bought salad dressing. Oh and have the odd wobbly pop available because this will make your guests thirsty. You can keep the first batche(s) hot in a 250 degree oven on a baking sheet while you cook enough for everyone or bust out your turkey deep fryer to be able cook enough all at once.


As an excellent side dish soak 3/8" wide onion rings in buttermilk overnight and then toss them in the diluted Cronzy mix BEFORE you coat the chicken to avoid cross contamination. Separate the coated onion rings and just leave them on a baking tray that you covered with wax paper. Since they won't stay as hot as the wings or hold in the oven as well fry the onion rings after the chicken. Make lots though because people will scarf them down....

Edited by Canuck2fan
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After having coated your fish with the fish crisp do not throw it out. Mix a little milk to the dry coating to make a thick batter, or thicken your left over beer batter with flour. Fry it up as a bannock. put some chopped onion in the leftover mix if you like. The result is quite tasty.

Edited by bigugli
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Guys I have tried the fish crisp I really find it too salty.I don't really use a lot of salt on my food and I found this batch a bit too salty.Maybe I should have cut it with a little beer and some for myself and after a few more beers It might have tasted better. This year I might try you know who's stuff I hear it tastes not bad mixed with beer.

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I don't mind fish crisp. I always somehow manage to sneak beer into almost any of the varieties. If it calls for liquid I find a beer is always handy. IT all depends on the species of fish you are using. Fish like perch I just cook in nothing but butter, but something like pike, to me, is always better battered. To each his own. I do say that I really liked the pike I had in the spring with the cajun version of fish crisp.

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Hey Brad I forget the name of the stuff but a guy in Sudbury makes his own coating and sells it the guys here love it and buy it by the case from him he just sends it down here. Check Ramikos they might know who I am talking about if I find the name I will send it to ya but for now I draw a blank.


MrEh....It's called Pickrel Perfection, I spoke with folks during the summer and he sold the business and have not been able to find any since. Good stuff!!

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Try this and it'll save you money and save your health. Go to the grocery store and pick up the following:


- White corn flour

- Yellow corn flour

- White cornmeal

- Yellow cornmeal


Each bag contains 750 grams. This will cost you about $8. Mix equal parts of each. That's 3000 grams of home made fish coating vs $4 for 350 grams of Fish Crisp.

Add your favourite spice eg. salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, etc.

Dust fish and fry away.


FishCrisp and Daryl's fish coating both contain hydrogenated oil. Google hydrogendated oil - not pleasant stuff. When you read hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil think sludge for your heart and arteries.

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Try this and it'll save you money and save your health. Go to the grocery store and pick up the following:


- White corn flour

- Yellow corn flour

- White cornmeal

- Yellow cornmeal


Each bag contains 750 grams. This will cost you about $8. Mix equal parts of each. That's 3000 grams of home made fish coating vs $4 for 350 grams of Fish Crisp.

Add your favourite spice eg. salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, etc.

Dust fish and fry away.


FishCrisp and Daryl's fish coating both contain hydrogenated oil. Google hydrogendated oil - not pleasant stuff. When you read hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil think sludge for your heart and arteries.


Thanks for the recipe. I also won't try these coating because of all the junk ingredients that are in them. I've made coatings like the one you mentioned and not only are they better for you and cheaper, but I find they taste better too. Plus you can control the amount of salt and spice to your liking. They're really easy to make, and I make bigger batches so I can store the rest.

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