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Posted (edited)

well me and my friend where recently at a small local creek and heard a turkey so we went up to look and found it to be 3 2 males and 1 female and we got right up close to them then they finally took off so we look around the corner where they ran and about 8 little ones went running. After seeing we saw that we are thinking about starting to hunt we are leaning more towards compounds what all should we look for?

Edited by Pure

Start off with learning the law and what licenses you'll need, and the courses you'll have to take ect.. to hunt, before thinking of what compound or gun you want and go from there.


lol never really looked at but i guess my question is what is there to look for in a compound bow and what all do i need to do to start hunting

Start off with learning the law and what licenses you'll need, and the courses you'll have to take ect

Theres your start right there.

Randy you can hunt turkey with a bow.As for a challenge? It would be a body shot instead of a head shot,unless the archur has perfect skills and can hit them right in the head.

I looked forward to taking my first with a bow this fall hunt as I was in the stand deer hunting. Never came about.

Posted (edited)

Well, first of all,YES,Bow hunting is legal for turkeys in Ontario,and Yes, it is tougher than with a shotgun....But first you need the hunters course to get your licence.......then if you decide to gun hunt,you'll need your PAL course....but for bows,all you need is your hunters.....Compound,long,recurve or cross bows are all legal,you just need to decide what you want to use......and then you need your turkey course if that's what you want to hunt,if it's deer your after with a bow,all you need is your hunter's.....hope this helps.....TC and tight lines and straight shots....Chuck.....PS ....I got my first with a bow,last spring,perfect shot at the base of it's neck(Turkey that is)

Edited by Bigchev4x4

well from what i have been reading i under stand that i need to take a turkey hunting course and only aloud to take two turkeys per license and they cant be taken on the same day. But what do i need to look for in a bow

Posted (edited)
Head on over to bass pro shop. they have a wide range of bows.


Yes, and they have a little range in the back were they'll let you try them out before you buy one, at least they did for my dad when he went down last year.


Basically the higher the pound rating on the bow, the more powerful it is and also harder to pull back. So for Turkey you wouldn't need a big powerful bow a beginner bow would be more than enough, but if you plan on deer or moose later on than you'll want as high poundage as you can get and feel comfortable with.

Edited by GbayGiant

will they just let you buy a bow or do you need your fire arms licenses? and for now im probably going to stick with turkey and move my way up.



im heading back up there tomorrow i forgot to buy the ladder for my tree stand


So right now your looking at


>Hunters Safty Course

>Turkey Course


The hunters have got to be done first And with that you can hunt small game:P


There are many makers of compounds such as Mathews ,Hoyt ,PSE,Bowtech,Darton,All good ,just find one that is comfortable to shoot......And you can take the turkey coure before or after the hunters,but you need both to hunt......Chuck....


Might seem easy because of it being out of season. Turkeys know when they are being hunted lol. You'll almost never get a chance like that come spring. I like compound bows, but turkeys are tough and you'll need a good shot to keep it from running. I've only seen one small turkey hit with a bow and it had to be chased. Expect to put in a lot of patient days trying to out smart "a bird". Nothings more fulfilling then finally getting one though. if you want to look into a compound bow then I would suggest BassPro. they have Bows to suite your every need and have some moderately priced ones. I'd say you could find one there that would be great for starting out in the $4-$500 range.

Posted (edited)
  GoneFishin said:
Might seem easy because of it being out of season. Turkeys know when they are being hunted lol. You'll almost never get a chance like that come spring. I like compound bows, but turkeys are tough and you'll need a good shot to keep it from running. I've only seen one small turkey hit with a bow and it had to be chased. Expect to put in a lot of patient days trying to out smart "a bird". Nothings more fulfilling then finally getting one though. if you want to look into a compound bow then I would suggest BassPro. they have Bows to suite your every need and have some moderately priced ones. I'd say you could find one there that would be great for starting out in the $4-$500 range.


UMMM... there was a fall hunt this year! First one in history. Opened Oct 15th...not sure when it closed.


And yes they are very smart birds with impecable eyesight and exceptional hearing. I have a whole heard of the ugly buggers in the yard and they are off like a shot BEFORE you even open a door.


EDIT: It took some looking but fall season was Oct 14 to 26th and you can bag a female or a tom during the fall hunt!!



Edited by irishfield

Hunters course and Turkey course will set you back a bit. The starter bow anywhere from $399- $650, you need range practice (if you don't have a place to) $12 a day, yes, you will have to practice a lot, a bow is not point and shoot. The are many variables involved. Oh ya $10 an arrow (I use lightspeeds), broad heads. It will cost a bit to start, but it`s worth it.


You do need both courses.


Hope this helps,




thank you every one for your help. we went back today though with a camera to see if we could find them but instead we seen 4 rabbits and a deer........... wild life

And yes they are very smart birds with impecable eyesight and exceptional hearing


Thats why I shot 2 young jakes. Stupid buggers,thinking with thier little heads.LOL

  GCD said:
I wish everybody would take up hunting!!! :thumbsup_anim:

Then I'd have all the lakes all to myself!!! :Gonefishing:


Funny you say that. I always enjoyed my best swamp/pond duck hunting when the deer hunt was on (back before I hunted deer). Man they would flush every thing out.LOL

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