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NF - Rescuing a Black Lab!

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Hey all,


I'm sure most of you remember my thread about my beagle going missing just over a month ago, well he hasn't come back and all our efforts haven't found him. We miss him very much but on a brighter note, my wife (Ginny) and I have been talking about sort of "rescuing" a 6 year old Black Lab. Her name is Sheba and she's been living in a 10x10 kennel in the far back end of her grandmothers yard for nearly 4 years. She literally doesn't leave it unless we go over, doesn't get fed on a regular basis, has to tip-toe around her own feces and stays out in that cage year round, rain, snow you name it. Long story short is that somebody in Ginny's family abandoned her there and Ginny's grandmother is to old to take care of her. So we've been asking around to see if we could take her and last week we got the "OK" from Ginny's uncle who lives near by there and is the only other person who helps take care of her.


She's a VERY sweet and gentle dog who just needs a good home and some TLC. We're more than capable and willing to take her in as our own, but all off our puppy gear is beagle sized, WAY to small for her, so I'm just wondering if anybody out there has some stuff they'd like to sell for a decent price.


Here's a couple of pix we took last weekend. (I couldn't get any pictures of her outside the cage because she wouldn't stand still....she doesn't even have a collar or leash)







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Wish I could help you out UF!! Good on you for trying to help.


Back when I was a teenager, our next door neighbour did the same thing with their dog. An amazing husky....kept in a run that was about 4 feet by 12 feet. It too had to step over it's feces. My brother's and I always took time to play with the dog (thru the fence). We'd feed it dog food if we noticed they weren't home for the weekend and we'd take our garden hose and wash all his waste away into their own yard.


After several 'conversations' with other neighbours in the area, they gave it to a family who would really love and take care of him.


Good luck with it!

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Sheba lives in the exact same conditions man, it's so sad. I'm amazed at how great she is with my daughter considering she's been living in a cage all alone for so long. We're all excited to bring her home tomorrow - especially Averie. First things first, a GOOD BATH haha, she needs it - then in the truck she goes. It's going to be like love overload at first. She won't even know what hit her! I'm going to take her carping monday morning - can't wait.


As for Tamias, as I said, he was tagged and registered and all that jazz, we posted in stores, online and made numerous phone calls to no avail. Sheba isn't a replacement to him, just a new family member, and who know's - me might just show up on the doorstep someday.


Thanks for the tips and kind words guys, it's our pleasure to take her home. We've purchased a few things already but as I said if anybody has any gear we could use it and are obviously willing to pay for it!





Wish I could help you out UF!! Good on you for trying to help.


Back when I was a teenager, our next door neighbour did the same thing with their dog. An amazing husky....kept in a run that was about 4 feet by 12 feet. It too had to step over it's feces. My brother's and I always took time to play with the dog (thru the fence). We'd feed it dog food if we noticed they weren't home for the weekend and we'd take our garden hose and wash all his waste away into their own yard.


After several 'conversations' with other neighbours in the area, they gave it to a family who would really love and take care of him.


Good luck with it!

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Do yourself and the dog a favour and as stated above have her micro chipped. Also contact Lucky Pet http://www.luckypet.com/ and she has tags with her name and all other info on file phone No. Give them a much better chance on being returned. When I got Dixie in July it's the first thing I did....great peace of mind.

Edited by Garyv
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