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The Milo Vacation


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Well, where to begin

As of the last few months I have been working a decent 10 hour day and from the beginning of May have been on a baseball diamond at least 4 days a week many times until the wee hours of the night. All of which lead to the need for some serious R and R


Sensing that the weather of Southern Ontario might not be up to par both my wife and I figured we should pack a few dozen movies to watch at the cottage, in the end it was the best decision we made in years, when thinking relaxation and some quality time with the family cuddled up watching movies.....




the norm not the exception to the weather....over 3 days I emptied a coffee tin twice just from rain water!!!!






Some how though we managed and truth be told I spent less time fishing in the early part of the vacation and more family time which to be blunt I really needed also....


We did do some side trips so the kids could see some of the great scenery that exists close to us...








these hikes were enjoyed by the kids big time....nothing better then seeing children want to explore and ask a dozen questions like " what flower is that" or How old is that rock"


Eventually though we had some clear weather and the flavor of the up coming olympics the kids decided they wanted two competitions to happen


Tubing 101

where the chief effort of the driver was to flip the tube, followed by dock fishing extravaganza, where the most sunfish won but a bass caught gave an additional 5 points, biggest fish an extra 10 points and at the end of the week the eventual winner would be crowned and the prize instead of a medal was an all expenses paid trip to the store for a multitude of ice cream








and suprizingly the winner of the entire competition was the youngest son



this picture was worthy as the bass actually was caught on an unbaited hook...go figure



Now in between all the " nice weather " ( insert yuk face) some actual fishing did occur....now the lake has changed with the bass getting smaller in average size, but they still give an awsome fight...fish over the weeks were caught on every single tecnique you can think of....but my favorites are always those you pull from under a dock...








and of course the youngest with the pro pose lmao




Getting tired of bass and knowing there is some fantastic back country rivers a few friends came up and we donned the waders and off we went...it also made me think steelies are in the mix in the near future but for now it was these lovelies we targetted



two good buddies came to join me ( any one know who they are)





One thing I certainly noticed but wasnt suprised was all the water that these rivers have.....one in particular had 5 feet of water where last year it was a 16 inch run...a great reward from all the rain


Not to be pure cottage rats the family and I took a few road trips on, now my wife always has prefered sand as opposed to a dock but in the end we all enjoyed the rare sun filled days...Im thinking maybe she enjoyed the beach soo much because every morning the paddle boat came undone








finally the reason I work hard




Vacations always end too short....and now we plan for the trek to see Mickey and Co over Christmas....


Finally in an amateurish way I took some great video ( sadly most was deleted by my daughter, as she video'ed the puppy) but I managed to save this one



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Guest Johnny Bass

Ahhh Family Vacations. Gotta love it! Too bad we dont get more of them. Some European countries get 2 months and a 1/2 of vacation per year. We're doin something wrong here!!! Looks like everyone had fun.Thanks for sharing.

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