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  Rich said:
I think the rule is to avoid deep hooked fish that you can't release. IE if you have a fish on one rod and play it out then grab the other rod to play the next fish.


I with Rich:


-Deep/gut hooking is a good reason to allow only one rod. Gut hooking would be a common practice because people would ignore a bait line while fishing with the other.

-Ice fishing rods are small and compact. Guess what a mess the shoreline would be with 2 rods per person. Who's to say 2 is the limit. Why not 5?

-Catch a musky? Is everyone going to have the ability to take the other line in?


-fishing with one rod is just dandy!




Ha, that's like asking "why is bass season closed on the Canadian side and open on the US side?"


The government's laws are dated and nobody is researching into changing them!


Hey Glen,I see nothing sporting in using 2 rods for 1 angler


You might as well take the Sport out of Sportfishing if using 2 rods per angler


The real question one must ask is

Is the intent to go fishing or pilfering

Are you there to enjoy the moment or focus on the accomplishment


There are no values in conservation or preservation in using 2 rods,most definitely nothing of good intentions towards the resource


The real meaning of sportfishing is 1 angler and 1 rod within the element of mother nature and the attempt to trick one of mother nature aquatic species


They set the 2 rod for boats out at Lake O mainly for the charter. Lots of people travel here to target salmon/trout out in the lake and it brings in big bucks.


It would be nice if they can allow 2 rods for carp/cat fishing as well .. since it's mostly a waiting game... however it would be more work for the COs when they try to charge someone for using 2 rods, people can just argue that they are going for carp, and not bass/pike/walleye/etc.


When you aren't using live bait for the other species, you won't have enough hands to use two rods to throw lures anyway.


2 rods allowed with artificials, only 1 rod allowed when using bait.


There, end of problem. Too easy though, will never get passed.


Glenn,there's a big difference ice fishing and soft water fishing

I never use more than 8 tip up no matter how many folks are with me ice fishing

soft water ,you go to the fish,ice fishing you wait for fish,ice fishing ain't all that great


Like I said,Either you fish for the moment of peace and tranquility or the accomplishment and recognition


Creel and length limits really do not work,mother nature regulates herself far better than man

fish populations that once existed in the 80's may never be seen again


Reason trolling is banned in Wisconsin class A lakes is because anglers abused of the resource,very similar to running 2 rods

Its not the rods or trolling,its people


laws and limits adhered too,well Glenn,sadly poaching with multiple rods and over harvest/waste full harvest seems to be the norm these days,as witnessed personally

its a human problem


Like you said its an opinion,based on observation


Mr Mike,I think you might be onto something

Self regulated community resource management is on the rise

Why you ask,simply because conservation organization no longer exist in the true meaning of conservation,they have turned into fishing clubs with rewarding captures mores so than doing good towards the resource

Fisheries management officials are more inclined in treading water than accomplishing tasks to save their jobs,fully understandable but it does not make right

That why community managed resources will be the wave of the future


be well


I know that fishing with more than one rod especially for big fish would be too much like work for me. Just the fact that I have to clean the bait every few minutes is enough for me.

I DO however have an opinion on what's currently happening out there. If you don't like the law as it stands, work to change it. Don't go about masquerading as a protector of the resource under the cloak of an association and then go out fishing with more rods in the water then the law prescribes. I've witnessed it in the last couple of weeks and folks, and the hypocrisy of it all just burns my :asshat: .


Great thread GCD! I often wondered what that rule was for too. I mean.....cant be about deep hooking.....i use live bait whilst icefishing...ive had both rods go at the same time more times than i can count, especially when Trout fishing. But who knows how or why that law came into being...seems nobody on here so far knows why. Lol, love some of the dumb laws posted....Cliff....do you own a horse? anyway....not to hijack your thread GCD i found these dumb laws from england.....




1)It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing





2)In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow





3)In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store


Nope I think that using 2 rods per angler means your more interested in the rewards than the effort

Instant gratification,same problem society suffers from


The road or journey to your destination is always pleasant and filled with anticipation till you arrive at your destination


I guess Glenn we just see the definition of sport much differently

Might as well make the Canadians Stanley Cup Champions every year,since they won the most


You see Glen,there's a reason for the line

The experience of a lifetime within the excitement of the moment


I don't eat fish,its also a right to harvest,should always remain

I do think multiple rod usage is un-sportsmanlike

If its legal,its legal

I don't approve of it


Be well



I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet. Might they be trying to stop those who try to beat getting caught without a licence by handing the rod to the guy who has the licence?




Glenn,I see you got no defense by your replies

I'll let you win :)


No I dont fish for recognition,I fish because I pay my Child support this way

I fish because it makes me happy and find peace and tranquility

If anything,I think I practice the true meaning of conservation and sport fishing

I pride myself on the education I propagate more so than the fish we boat

Catching a great big fish does not change anyones life,but educating someone does


Only time I use my influence is to correct wrong doings or help someone in need


as far as not all guest getting fish,well thats fishing

They will get over the emotional scaring :w00t:


I wonder why the populations went south from the 40's to the 80's to today,You might want to look at angling behavior and laxing of rules and rod regulations


as far as harvest ,its a right,a heritage and should never be removed because we will simply loose our rights to fish,something I would defend

Sorry,the stratification of fish species and size diversity is a mess across North America,simply because of poor regulations and poor management


We are all have problems with folks not abiding with rules across North America


Be well

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