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Official trash talk thread


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I was hoping for some more ooomph..............like "when you were born you were so ugly they had to tie a steak around your neck to get the dog to play with you"

Don't forget the contest is decided by a poll and you need to get votes....

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too bad im better at both fishing and trash talkin,grasshopper :)


Thats all your going to be catching is trash. Honestly i have said it before and im gonna say it again:

I Am Going To Beat You. After i add up my 5 big bass your going to be crying your eyes out. Just wait and see Little guy.

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Mike,you have to be the absolute worst trash talker ever. My 3 year old sister could had come up with something more clever than that really:). Buddy you think you have it wrapped up.You do have something wrapped up last place in voting:) i could tie a stick onto the end of my line and still take you out. Mike you know what if you do beat me which i highly doubt good job you know i will give you tha props yu know? But im feeling i wont have to because ive seen what lake Nipissing can produce Bass wise, and if im correct last year i got nothing but huge bass when i caught one my biggest being 13 1/2 inches 3-3.5 pounds, no i know you and you will say thats soft but we will see buddy,we will see. :)


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Buddy i got two 4 pounders a a provinical park last year. Yes your still young and you will see more and more PB fish as u age but man 3lbs is a good fish but nothing to brag about. My 4lbr's are not even that good to brag about. So you want to start a war let do her up. I'll let you start it off cause i will be the one to finish it.

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What is with all this.....ummm......."Malarky" ??

In my opinion, if you wanna talk SMACK then keep it to pms......

I think this board is much better than all this silly non-sense.

PM it !!


Just my 2 cents.....


Meely :canadian:

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What is with all this.....ummm......."Malarky" ??

In my opinion, if you wanna talk SMACK then keep it to pms......

I think this board is much better than all this silly non-sense.

PM it !!


Just my 2 cents.....


Meely :canadian:


Good call, as i said before i would rather not but you know how kids are

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Why Trash talk!?


Just post them pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and shutttttttap!!


U guys should post once a month, bigggest fish per month or something


That would be a good idea but Little Angler only goes fishing for that one week trip. I could but it would not be fair as i go fishing every weekend.

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So why is there a competition?


The compertion is based on our two camping trips only. As said in the rules he is going fishing and camping for a week, and i am going camping up at my grandma's for a week. Therefore we are only using the fish that are caught during those specific trips.

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This may help to explain it further


If anyone feels that this is offensive, (I noted that in some of the replies), it is simply meant as an outlet for two competetive young men to have some fun prior to a friendly contest. I found their interaction very amusing and creative, as well as respectful of one another. Something that we can emulate in our discussions.

It was in that spirit that this topic was started.

Edited by hometownhandyman
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