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NF: CBC's hockey theme may be no more, reports

Guest Lundboy is Done

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It would be a crime to not have the HNIC theme anymore. I don't even really watch it because it's usually the leafs playing, but the song is a Canadian icon. My wife even let me have it played as we entered the hall at our wedding reception!



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It would be a crime to not have the HNIC theme anymore. I don't even really watch it because it's usually the leafs playing, but the song is a Canadian icon. My wife even let me have it played as we entered the hall at our wedding reception!



NICE thats awesome

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Guest skeeter99

it's about time they got rid of it



time for the changing of the guard



come on guys be honest, you really cant say u like that after all these years



It just reminds me of don cherry and all his crap!!!! the hockey mouthpiece of north america

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it's about time they got rid of it

time for the changing of the guard

come on guys be honest, you really cant say u like that after all these years

It just reminds me of don cherry and all his crap!!!! the hockey mouthpiece of north america



Where you dropped on your head as a child? Cause that is crazy talk!

That song is lengendary.

Don Cherry, even though he is sickening sometimes, doesnt sugarcoat anything and speaks whatever is on his mind.

I guess lots of people just dont like hearing the truth.


And yes, MOST true canadians LOVE that song even after all these years.

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Where you dropped on your head as a child? Cause that is crazy talk!

That song is lengendary.

Don Cherry, even though he is sickening sometimes, doesnt sugarcoat anything and speaks whatever is on his mind.

I guess lots of people just dont like hearing the truth.


And yes, MOST true canadians LOVE that song even after all these years.

I agree 100 percent. The Song, Cherry, TRUE CANADIAN Themes

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Leave the song alone , Like Stoty said its only 500 bucks a pop , chump change to the leafs organization (NHL )and the tax grabbing CBC. Cherry , the song , the maple leafs ,and yes MORIA guy FISHING good or bad (or in the case of the leafs sad so so sad ) ITS CANADA , ask anyone in CANADA to regonize any one and you will get a correct answer , CANADIAN INSTITUTIONS .

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It more appears were divided into two groups !!!


Real men that fish and others that post drama :)


Im more pulling the hockey guys chains than anything :)


but it is a pain when watching a fishing thread and have to dig and scroll to find it hidden in the NF threads.


either way..........its nice to see the leafs win the cup :)



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It's toast.


I don't understand how changing a jingle is a life-altering crisis, but nobody seems to give a darn about the guy destroying a huge chunk of BOQ shoreline and dumping PCBs on the walleye.



Now there's a topic worth talking about and educating people about.


but goodluck.......... the dan to don bla be bal hockey tune at the start, end or where ever it is in a hockey game is a big deal :blahblah1:

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YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bunch if suits who only care about money. Selfish jerks.


Hey, are they all on the MLSE board as well? :lol:


Yeah, what nerve they have trying to rip off the good ole CBC which is partially funded by you and me . Why should the CBC pay that ransom? And the music owner knows that all the bleeding hearts don't care if the CBC has to pay so long as it doesn't come out of their pocket directly.


The solution is for all the bleeding hearts to chip in $20 bucks each in a pool and buy the music outright and then donate it to the CBC. 100,000 people x $20 = $2 million. Not enough? then get 200,000 people to chip in. As the saying goes.. put your money where your mouth is.


I'm offering a different point of view to balance things out on this one-sided discussion :whistling: .

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Or....since the leafs make $1.9 million PER GAME just on ticket sales alone.....

get them to fork over the $40,000 to give to the guy!


$40,000 - thats only about 10 tickets to 1 game. LOL


Stoty... you're freaking possessed man!!


Ever consider joining a hockey board?


Seriously, other threads are getting pushed back before we can read em cause you're using the board as a chat room. It's a bit much.


Fire away..



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Cherry says it like it is.....not like the politically correct Bull we have been force-fed from the bleeding heart types. I have more respect for Don than all of our political leaders combined.




Come now, Cherry as a demigod? I see those outfits he wears and think all he needs is the orange wig, red lipstick and red nose and the transformation would be complete. Bozo the angry clown. ;) Besides if he was perfect what is he doing working for the nationalized communist CBC?

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