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A little help with reporting a poacher please


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So, we had a crappy opener.


Got to a favourite spot which recieves very little pressure. Someone decided that instead of having to walk up stream a good 1 kilometer to the better pools on the trib we like to fish, it would be a great idea to cut an ATV path all the way up so that you could drive right to the pool.

Wow, amazing how many lazy people decided to fish with the new found access, we counted 11 Cars this year.

We headed 2 km downstream and got some beautiful specs, no steel head this opener. Some old guy told me how he really didn' tworry about whether or not the fish were biting, he just floated the bait near the mouth and set the hook. Sorry didnt get this jerk offs car plate number.

We headed to Sideroad 20 where it crossed the Boyne, 2 A holes were tresspassing on private property, they clearly saw us pull over and yet these douce bags continued to try and snag to spawned out females that were resting in the pool below the bridge.

Fianally I had seen enough. Michelle was a little annoyed but I yelled "Hey A hole that is illegal, he immediatley set down his rod and tried to duck out of sight" He was much fatter then the tree he was hiding behind.

I went back to the car grabbed some paper and a pen, and got the licence plate of the black GMC Jimmy and Gold Ford Taurus parked there.

I tried to call the MNR but suprise suprise, was not able to get anyone on the phone, oh yeah, i forgot poachers only poach Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm.

Can someone help me get in touch wth someone so I can pass on the licence plate numbers. I reaaly hate people who disrespect our resources.

Edited by 4Reel
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I'm not sure but can't you call the "TIPS" hot line for something like this? As FnA said in his post, even the police could respond and lay charges. Goot post, I'll look forward to hearing what can be done.


PS good for you for stoping and at least saying something and trying to do something about it!

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