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NF: "Earth Hour" Turns the Light Out

Guest Lundboy is Done

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Lundboy.... Thank you for posting the article... but I find ONE fatal flaw in it... There is NO such thing as Illuminati.... The Free Masons have publicly sworn they do not exist!


the shear mention of Illuminati discredits this article as bordering on delusional, something cocked up by conspiracy theorists that there is an elite society that controls the globe...


Sorry you lost me the second I saw Illuminati mentioned.




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Guest lundboy

Whatever you need to feel comfy.


Commonly known as the "illuminati" these people/ organizations don't exist either (because CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC says so):


-Council on Foreign Relations

-Bilderberg Group

-Club of Rome

-Trilateral Commission

-The Rhodes - Milner Round Table Group

-Tavistock Institute

-Commission on Global Governance

-International Bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers)


CNN Also says that the TRANS TEXAS CORRIDOR does not exist, yet people everyday in Texas are reading billboards telling them how great the TTC is for them, and are having their lands expropriated under Eminent Domain laws to build it. EVEN THOUGH CNN's own Lou Dobbs says it does!





Sorry man, you raised a good point, but by saying that the "Illuminati" doesn't exist because the "Masons say so" is like asking the wolf who killed the chickens in the hen house.


"there is an elite society that controls the globe..." I just listed them above. Not a theory.

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Global warming and pollution is actually due to aliens trying to aclimatize the earth so its suits their species.

The aliens gave humans technology that they knew we would use to create our own demise and make the environment more to their liking.


Didn't you guys see that episode of "the outer limits"?



PS. the illuminati are simply minor pawns of the aliens.

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Guest lundboy

Ah the old alien diversion... I love it!



True Pavlovian conditioning to stop you from looking at something that is well documented and admitted.


I give up. Those here that understand what I'm talking about will take the necessary steps to protect the ones they love as much as they possibly can. For the rest of you, I hope that I am absolutely insane and all this is a delusion of my sick mind. If I'm right, I hope and pray the elite globalists are merciful on you and yours.

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Oh Lundboy....you accuse us of being brain washed, when it appears you yourself have been brain-washed by the conspieracy theororists of the world as long as they can argue a point. I'm saying that they are all worng, i'm just that #1 you might wanna be a little more careful about which arguments you parade around, and #2 you shouldn't be parading them around a fishing board.



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Guest lundboy
Oh Lundboy....you accuse us of being brain washed, when it appears you yourself have been brain-washed by the conspieracy theororists of the world as long as they can argue a point. I'm saying that they are all worng, i'm just that #1 you might wanna be a little more careful about which arguments you parade around, and #2 you shouldn't be parading them around a fishing board.




Your absolutely right I am brainwashed, too much evidence makes me that way. Sorry for the inconvenience. You being a post secondary school teacher know it all of course. The world works exactly as you say it does.


I'm beyond filtering what I say regarding these issues. The time is running out, and people need to know.


In the next 3-4 years this is some of what you will see:

-A huge global economy crises

-The introduction of a new north American currency to replace the worthless US, Canadian , and Mexican currency (part of the Problem, Reaction, Solution paradigm)

-The complete integration of the three countries into the North American Union

-Food shortages in the west (oh right that's because of climate change, not Monsanto's meddling with mother nature and buying up farms))


And if we are all lucky this will be done without a martial law crackdown.


As far as this being talked about on a fishing forum, I kind of agree that it is not the right forum, but any political talk on here of any stripe should also be considered bad form. And when people that just spew headlines without investigating a subject deeper (not necessarily you), I feel the need to inspire them to look at other angles. Without you knowing the the facts on what I present, I can't blame you for calling them "conspiracy theories", it is the natural defense mechanism you have been raised to defend yourself with.


So, until you read the book that I gave you the link for (and understand what it is telling you, as a start) I have nothing more I can say to you.

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Global warming and pollution is actually due to aliens trying to aclimatize the earth so its suits their species.

The aliens gave humans technology that they knew we would use to create our own demise and make the environment more to their liking.


Didn't you guys see that episode of "the outer limits"?



PS. the illuminati are simply minor pawns of the aliens.


They want our Dilithium!!!!

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lundboy i am not a Secondary School teacher lololol That's some funny stuff. I HATED and continue to HATE the primary and secondary school education system. I also have a major beef with the how the universities determine our grades. But that's a rant for another time. I'm a Biology major for the school year, and guide in the summer.



As for this..


In the next 3-4 years this is some of what you will see:

-A huge global economy crises

-The introduction of a new north American currency to replace the worthless US, Canadian , and Mexican currency (part of the Problem, Reaction, Solution paradigm)

-The complete integration of the three countries into the North American Union

-Food shortages in the west (oh right that's because of climate change, not Monsanto's meddling with mother nature and buying up farms))


Huge global Economy Crisis in 3-4 years...i think not. A shift in the economy is certain. Some changes need/will occur but that's to be expected.


Change of currancy....to something unified... accross the North American Union? NO WAY. Im aware of the N.A.U. paper work was signed, but try convincing the people of north america its a good idea is another ball of wax. The Americans are isolationists. No way would they agree to open boarders with Canada and Mexico. Not to mention i feel there is a growing consensus that the NAFTA wasn't the best idea we ever had. Further globalization i think will be scrutanized.


Your food shortages in the west are due to 2 major things... Changing percipitation patterns and changing soil chemistry. The work Genetic manipulation of our food has been going on since the begining of time....some of the stuff they do now-a-days has some serious potentional I think needs to VERY closly monitored. Besides that the genetic food is built to produce more, higher quality results.....so how that leads to a food shortage i'm not sure.


The shortages are a result of our own bungling. Climate Changes (whatever the cause) is altering precip. patterns, so they dig wells and pump water from the ground....over time this causes salination of the soil and things won't grow. I think Alberta alone is around 3 million acres at rist of being to salty to grow food.....so you bet that the levels it is at right now is reducing total yield. There is a working hypothesis that irrigation resulting in the soil becomeing to salty to grow crops is the major mechanism which causes civilizations to collapse. So far it has yileded some interesing results in the reading i've done. If you look at other soil factors, such as the phytotoxic effects of metals, how acid rain effects soil nutients as well as nitrification of the soil you will discover a major area of research that is in it's infancy. Once you get an understanding of the nutirent cycles, and some of the biological processes occuring you will get an idea of why Climate Change is so potentially bad. If we alter the imputs into the system such as heat, it has a HUGE effect on the biological processes, adn the things that occur.


If you want to worry about a real threat the 36 and a half hour work week for 2 bucks more then minimum wage is much more worthy of your energy.


I'm flattered about the secondary school teacher thing....i didn't think my spelling was that good LOL


I'm sure ill hear from you soon



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Hey, Ive been out of school for years. But, I was around the last time Oil and gold went up. Even 20 plus percent Mortgage rates. Here is the Scoop, when the Economy is Good, all your fascist do good-er Environmentalist come out of the wood work to preach, and all the lemmings follow suit. But, when the Economy is doing poorly, the environmentalists are quiet, but for sure the lemmings are nowhere to be found as they are concerned with their own problems. My take is this, like KYOTO, this carbon tax, conserve energy, or what ever else that would be nice for the Environment, will wear off soon, especially in Ontario and East as they are in for some tough times ahead. By the way, if anybody cares, for some reason, Regina used more power this Saturday than they did last Saturday. My feeling is they don't care. Lets face it, why should they sacrifice when they don't use near the power as most Ontario southern Cities. We, No, I don't care about the so called Global warming or whatever. All its going to do is cost us more to live. We had our primeminister here in Estavan lo0oking at some plant that is going to curb Carbon emmissions telling the reporters. BE PREPARED TO PAY MORE FOR ENERGY BECAUSE IT WILL COST MORE FOR REDUCING> GUESS WHAT GAS WENT UP THE NEXT DAY

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HI guys, I belong to Ivy Lodge 115 (Free Masons) I would love to contribute to your conversation, however I am to busy trying to take over the world.


It would be nice if some of you guys pulled your heads out of your butts, yes the Bilderbergs Exist, So does the Club of Roman, as does the Council on Foriegn Relations etc.,


Many groups including religious, capatilists, and political types broker in power and are looking to control world events, it is unfair and unrealistic to paint all groups that you are not familar with as evil.


Maybe try sleeping in the night instead of listening to George Norry and Alex Jones.




(ps it makes for some funny sh@t at 4:000am when my wife and I are on the road to our next fishing adventure)

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HI guys, I belong to Ivy Lodge 115 (Free Masons) I would love to contribute to your conversation, however I am to busy trying to take over the world.


It would be nice if some of you guys pulled your heads out of your butts, yes the Bilderbergs Exist, So does the Club of Roman, as does the Council on Foriegn Relations etc.,


Many groups including religious, capatilists, and political types broker in power and are looking to control world events, it is unfair and unrealistic to paint all groups that you are not familar with as evil.


Maybe try sleeping in the night instead of listening to George Norry and Alex Jones.




(ps it makes for some funny sh@t at 4:000am when my wife and I are on the road to our next fishing adventure)

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Guest lundboy

Well guys, it's been fun but it's time to move on.


Lot's of people here know what I've been getting at with my posts regarding the "Earth Hour" experiment.


Many, many, possibly hundreds of thousands of people say that there is more to the "environmental" angle than meets the eye. People that are far more researched and knowledgeable, both academically and historically minded people, than I could ever hope to be. I have given you the links and references to the works of some of these people. You can choose to ignore their work or you can investigate further.


You can dismiss it as "conspiracy theories". All I can say is I have studied their works with a skeptical eye since 2001. I've looked at both sides, studied both arguments. I know the conclusion I have come to and it's because of the sheer volume of evidence. It doesn't take a biology scholar to see what has and is going on. This evidence points to a lot more insidious agendas at play than just having your environmental feelings preyed upon by a bunch of money grubbing bankers and politicians.


So, you can do what you want with the info I have given you. All you have to do is watch a few videos and read a few books. What if the evidence is right? Will it hurt you to have an open mind and look at it, THEN form your own opinions after seeing it? As the "Climate Change" people have been advocating all along, isn't it better to take steps now to be prepared for what is coming, than to sit and do nothing?


Does it not make sense to you to take some of the effort and money that you would use to "Save the Earth" and instead invest it in your OWN family's best interest? Something tangible? The Government of Canada is not constantly running ads on TV to prepare for 72 hrs of emergency for nothing. Many believe (myself included) that it will be longer, much longer.


-Get yourself some storable food, about a years worth for each member of your family if possible

-Make sure you have somewhere to goto that is away from the cities

-Make sure you have something to make clean water from a river or lake

-Convert some of your money to gold and silver (in your hand) while it's still affordable

-Have a plan


If it ends up you never need it Great, eat it, sell it, donate it to charity.


That's the only point I'm trying to make. There is good evidence we all need to prepare and we need to do it now.


A few final links for anyone that IS interested in getting prepared:






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Guest lundboy
HI guys, I belong to Ivy Lodge 115 (Free Masons)


I never once said Masons were involved. I did specifiaclly say Bilderbergs though ;)


(Rumour has it that any Mason below 33rd degree is classified as a "Porch Mason" and wouldn't know if the Masons are involved in anything nefarious, is this true?)

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