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Aquaview video downloading


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Is the video on your cpu now? If it is upload it to youtube.(register an account if you don't have an account)or google video.If you have editing software edit it before uploading. Just had my DVR delierved(cabela's online $99.99 us 132 duty and taxes. They want $249 at BPS) Thanks Rod for teaching me to shop around. Can't wait to get some underwater footage.

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When you plug the USB it should show the file and where it will be located, I found mine under "new folder".Try it again and if the import screen pops up make sure you see where it will end up or you can put it in the file of your choice. You Might have an older version of windows and you may need to use the little disk it came with. Do you have some killer footage?

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Sorry... the choice box opened to select "play" or the "file" thing or "do nothing" or "fix, etc."


I've got some video of a huge ling hitting and a buncha whitefish ignoring our offerings. I'll try again. I have Windows XP a coupla years old..... but I found the little disc you mentioned. Darn Aquavu needs to give some better instructions on the stuff they sell!

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When you attach any USB storage device to your computer it gets assigned a drive letter, just like your C:, D: etc..


Once you have it plugged in and the computer recognizes it, click on 'My Computer'.. This should give you a list of all the drives on your system. You will most likely see it at the bottom of the list, listed as a "Removable Storage Device" You can double click it, just like you can your C:. You should be able to navigate through the folders and find the video file you are looking for....


Once you have found the file, put your cursor over it and click your left mouse button once. This should select the file.. Once the file is highlighted, click your right mouse button and then select copy..


Once you have selected 'copy' you can then go back to your desktop, right click and select paste. This should copy the movie to your desktop (Or you can put it anywhere else you'd like, doesn't really matter)

Edited by BillM
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Is the video on your cpu now? If it is upload it to youtube.(register an account if you don't have an account)or google video.If you have editing software edit it before uploading. Just had my DVR delierved(cabela's online $99.99 us 132 duty and taxes. They want $249 at BPS) Thanks Rod for teaching me to shop around. Can't wait to get some underwater footage.

Another unfortunate blunder at Bass Pro, I saw the the DVR at LeB for $125 in their catalogue(regular price), BPro grumbled but price matched. Obviously they don't care if they screw the next guy.

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Sorry to be late getting back... the work thing...


Thanx folks! I followed the instructions and found it as a "new file". Uploaded the four videos in the file to Photobucket but now how to get the video onto this board? Anyone know which of the several copying choices on Photobucket to choose? And what do I click on here to copy the file onto? Sorry... me don't know computers much.

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How to attach the video to the message board.


(1) on photobucket page where your video is located, put your cursor on "Direct Link"

(2)Left click mouse button, link will be automatically copied .

(3)goto blank area on the message board.

(4)Right click on the mouse, a list appears.

(5)Left click on "paste", the link should now be on the message board.

You can now preview your post (similar to previewing a posted photo)

(6)Once you preview (thats just to make sure the operation was a success) then you can "post new topic"


Hope this helps you out!




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