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Saw this on another fishing related board (I know - I know but its a species specific US based board I swear I'm not cheating on the OFC :worthy: ) and had to share it:


A man was on the river for his weekly fishing trip.


He began his day with an 3 Lb smallie on the first cast and a 4 Lb on the

second. On the third cast he had just caught his first ever smallie over

6 pounds when his cell phone rang.


It was a doctor notifying him that his wife had just been in a terrible

accident and was in critical condition and in the ICU.


The man told the doctor to inform his wife where he was and that he'd be

there as soon as possible. As he hung up he realized he was leaving what

was shaping up to be his best day ever on the water.


He decided to get in a couple of more casts before heading to the

hospital. He ended up fishing the rest of the morning, finishing his trip

with 3 smallies over 6 pounds. He

was jubilant.... Then he remembered his wife.



Feeling guilty he dashed to the hospital. He saw the doctor in the

corridor and asked about his wife's condition.


The doctor glared at him and shouted, 'You went ahead and finished your

fishing trip didn't you! I hope you're proud of yourself! While you were

out for the past four hours enjoying yourself on the pond your wife has

been languishing in the ICU! It's just as well you went ahead and

finished because it will be more than likely the last fishing trip you

ever take!'


'For the rest of her life she will require 'round the clock care. And

you'll be her care giver forever!'



The man was feeling so guilty he broke down and sobbed.


































The doctor then chuckled and said, 'I'm just messing with ya. She's dead.

What'd you catch?'



LOL your sick! One of my uncles took his wife with him on a trip up north, she got sick, he took her to the hospital, they admitted her, he went back and fished until the vacation was over. Then picked her up and went home. Now he is dead! But from natural causes.

  OhioFisherman said:
LOL your sick! One of my uncles took his wife with him on a trip up north, she got sick, he took her to the hospital, they admitted her, he went back and fished until the vacation was over. Then picked her up and went home. Now he is dead! But from natural causes.



That's nothing....my brother got in 18 holes of golf while his wife was in labour. :w00t:


During the birth of my first son, the nurse suggested I go get a bite to eat and take in a movie...

I ate then went to the old Casino Theater in downtown Toronto (strippers and comedians)...

Damned if the baby was born while I was away!!!... :whistling:


During the birth of my second son I took a quick run out to pick up a copy of The Daily Racing Form (knowing I was going to be a loose horse myself for a couple of days)...


Damned if the baby was born while I sneaked out !!!... :whistling:


I was there for the next two...Took too much flak from my first wife...never let me forget it... :wallbash:

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