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Driving across the border

Big Cliff

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They were supposed to require passports as of Jan 2008, I think, but there was a big outcry and lots of people had long delays getting passports, so they've put it off for a little while. Your son will eventually need a passport to cross the border by land (already required by air).



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As of January 31, 2008, Canadians entering the United States by land and marine ports of entry will be required to present:

  • a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's licence AND a birth certificate or a citizenship card; OR
  • for persons aged 18 and under, a birth certificate only; OR
  • a valid passport.

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I have a passport a birth certificate and a drivers licence... yet I left the first 2 at home the other day when I went to take a friend to the airport.


I was warned by the Guard that he was giving me a warning, the next time I try to cross without proof of citizenship I will be detained, searched, fingerprinted and sent home. They are taking it very seriously.


Show up prepared , it will save you so much aggrivation.





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Thanks again!


Jen, we would be better prepaired but this came up rather suddenly, my son's father-in-law, who is Canadian was visiting his son down in the States and became ill, (he is in his late 70's and starting to show signs of dementia which has accellerated rapidly since this recent illness) we need to get him back to Canada where we can care for him properly. We looked into getting him transported by ambulance but that was going to cost in excess of $5000.00 which none of us has, we looked into trying to fly him home but because he needs to be on oxygen and he sometimes gets confused and agitated we were told that that wouldn't be a good option. We wern't left with many choices so his son will drive him to the border (20 hrs one way) and my son and I will bring him from there to Sudbury where he can get the help he needs then my son will drive me back home to pick up his car and return to Sudbury.


Looks like we are all in for a long road trip but that's what family does!

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WOW, That is exactly what family does... a birth certificate and drivers licence will due just fine...


Have a safe trip... I wish everyone had members in their families like YOU...


Thank you for sharing...


Be Safe,



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