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Spring in Algonquin (Pics)


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Every year dad and I try and make it up to Algonquin Park and get at least 6 days of solid fishing in, usually in the summer. This year we decided to go up in May as well as in August. We went through the Shall Lake entrance and stayed on Booth Lake. It’s a beautiful lake, with smallmouth bass, pike and trout. We only went up for one night due to conflicting schedules. But we got their as early as possible and pushed straight in to Booth, trolling as we went. We fished fairly hard once we had set up camp, but didn’t have much action. We were targeting lake trout, and we knew roughly where we wanted to be, but failed to mark fish with any certainty. After a nice paddle around, we found a nice shoal that came up to 35 feet of water and worked that for a while with only one hook up. That didn’t last long before it escaped. A couple hours later we headed in.


The next morning we were up early and at it again. This time we went to different a spot where we usually catch a few lakers in the summer. It’s a hole that goes down to about 75 feet with a point at either end. Each point has a shoal that is associated with it. One shoal comes up to 19 feet and the other comes up around 30 feet. There was a slight breeze on the big lake that wasn’t on the smaller lakes putting a slight chop on to the point. It looked like everything was just right. Just as we got to the point I made a long cast and let my jig hit bottom before retrieving it using a large smooth jigging action. I kept the line fairly taught incase a fish picked it up on the drop. On about the 5th jig the line stop sinking early and I set the hook. A few minutes later we had a nice laker in the net.




It was a perfect morning and the color of the fish couldn’t have been better. The sun was out and the chill was quickly leaving the air. After dispatching the fish I made a few more casts before losing my jig to a good sized northern. Sadly it was my last lure of that style. So we started trolling some spoons. Snags occur a little too often going back and forth other the shoals but that’s part of the game. Dad actually made one of the most amazing catches I’ve seen. He hit the shoal, and became snagged. He gave it a quick tug and the lure came lose, but now it had weight too it. When the spoon got to the boat he discovered he had a double-header…2 clams!


I had to take a picture…and of course make a few jokes. Seems it didn’t want to eat his own catch…he wanted to “share”. ;)




A little while later we went in and broke camp to head out. There is some great scenery between Booth and the access point that never fails to impress. We packed the van to lighten our load and then headed over to Crotch Lake to do some more fishing.


Crotch is a pretty nice looking lake with some good sized bass in the summer and lots of islands to explore. We weren’t fishing very hard and ended up taking the scenic route to the north end of the lake where the portage heads up to Shirley Lake. Didn’t catch a thing…but that wasn’t really the goal I don’t think. When dad and I go fishing we put in lots of hours…but we defiantly don’t fish hard or seriously.




Once up at the portage we found that some poor beaver in the area was working on the local aspen population, and having a rough go of it. He had actually managed to drop 2 separate trees and got them both stuck in the crotch of the same tree. Here are the photos. I’m not sure if beavers can suffer from depression but this one sure is a candidate if there ever was one…I almost felt sorry for him…but I was laughing too far for sympathy. :D













All in all it was another great trip up to the park.








Here are some scenery shots from the trip.































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Very nice Dave. :clapping: Some great shots as well as words. Thanks for the report, it's actually more timely than you think seeings as how many of us are deep in our no-fishing off season depressions. Helps to escape in great reports.


Now, lets see that big Kesagami Report. PACK IT FULL OF PHOTOS AND TALES.

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Love the pictures, thanks for posting!

Booth is a great lake, especially for big pike in the spring..

Park's not too thrilled with them being there however. It's really

only a matter of time 'till they infiltrate their way upstream into Opeongo.

Very cool to see lakers caught on the jig in mid summer. Deadly technique especially

on small lakes like that where they tend to get concentrated.

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Wow, did you ever bring back memories. I used to go to Crotch, Shirley and the next lake, Cannot remember the name, with my uncle and cousins for a week when we were kids. I remember not catching many fish, but having a lot of fun. Except for puke hill!


The pictures you took are great, but being there is even greater. Thanks for posting them.

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Im glad everyone enjoyed the report.


Hamilton i think the Park is ok to go to for the day if you dont live too far away, but you need to camp to really get the full experiance. If camping isnt possible for whatever reason there is hotels to stay at around the Highway 60 area of the park. The Blue Spruce Inn is one of my favourite places to to stay. It's right on Oxtongue Lake and is only a short drive into the park. There is lots of options available if you are interested.



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