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"X-FLARE: Sunspot 930 erupted again this morning, producing a strong X3-class

solar flare. The blast triggered an ongoing radiation storm and probably hurled

a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. Auroras are possible when the CME

arrives on Dec. 14th or 15th.


Note: The radiation storm mentioned above is of moderate intensity and, unless

it strengthens greatly, poses no threat to astronauts orbiting Earth onboard the

International Space Station or the space shuttle. The astronauts are protected

by the walls of their spacecraft as well as by Earth's magnetic field."

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Between 8 and 9pm last night, I saw a very faint aurora borealis!! At first I thought it was my imagination, but there was a cool "wavy" look to the "clouds" that I saw. A few times...for only a few seconds at a time, it was pretty well defined. Then the clouds rolled in.

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