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Underwater Pickeral Video....


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Well Im still dinking around with stuff and am updating my YouTube Channel, with some videos I havent published before... like this one... I'm trying to get more subscribers to my E-Magazine, so i figured Youtube would be a good source...


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>


Ive got a ton of unreleased video.. i think ill attempt to get one a day done and up on youtube....


Anybody got any ideas.. (im serious) on how I could attract subscribers... Ive done just about everything I can think of....

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Cool video. Looked like you were picking up speed as you went. Too bad it didn't latch on to give a fight video.


As for subscribers? Being in retail I can tell you that you can advertise every way possible out your ying yang. Until the person wants something they will not even know you are there. When they want it they will take it. We've been in business for almost 5 years here (2 doors from Tim Hortons) on the main street. We still get people coming in that didn't know we were here?


The videos deffinately will add a drawing factor.

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Think about partnering with Facebook, I believe you can purchase peoples souls via advertising fees on there now...


LOL.. what would I do with souls....

and misfish... aint nuttin' fo' nuttin'

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Anybody got any ideas.. (im serious) on how I could attract subscribers... Ive done just about everything I can think of....


I'm relatively new here, so I hope this doesn't come off as too stupid, but what is yer E-Mag? When I read that comment I snooped around this site but couldn't identify anything magazinish save for Esox references. I looked in the member business section and all you have is something about snowshoes. Perhaps you need a new advertising manager? :whistling:


If it's sitting right under my nose I'll accept "Stupid" as my username for a month.



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I'm relatively new here, so I hope this doesn't come off as too stupid, but what is yer E-Mag?



Everyone on the board gets to see it when I post it every month... (its pinned at the top)




My main site, which was the orginal home for this behemoth of a board is http://www.ontariofishing.net where the majority of my Fishing Marketing AKA Spam comes from. From that site is where I send out the newsletter to the 7,500 current Subscribers..., most of whom are not ofncommunity members.


You can subscribe here: http://www.ontariofishing.net/subscribe.html


And its not a stupid question, lol... if your asking .. im sure someone else is as well.....

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Everyone on the board gets to see it when I post it every month... (its pinned at the top)


And its not a stupid question, lol... if your asking .. im sure someone else is as well.....


My life is a compendium of stupid questions.



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Okay. Slowly I'm getting it. I think it's an age thing.


So, from a business perspective you want more subscribers so you can show yer advertisers some numbers? Are all the members here subscribed or are they all just reading it without subscribing? That gets you how many official subscribers if they all sign up?n Advertisers like numbers, free or otherwise.


Get some nifty coupons or discounts only available to subscribers (no OFC exceptions). They don't have to be from advertisers. Lots of local businesses would be happy to offer a $10 or 10% discount on a $50-100 minimum retail purchase to get folks in the door. Gets their name out there and promotes discussion here and otherwheres. Look at the recent thread about the CTC coupons that a number of the locals jumped all over. Betcha I could get my local (new) Fishing Store here in Stratford to do something like that. It's just possible that his shop is as good as or better than anything in London or KW and it wouldn't hurt for everyone to find that out. The little guys who are surviving or hope to survive know that they have to be competitive with the big box shops, that good service and superior knowledge isn't enuf to get all the money. And talk to a few high ticket retailers about coupons or discounts for your subscribers. The first time Joe Blow brags that he got $500 knocked off the price of his new trawler just because he'd subscribed to yer mag you'll get new signups instantly, if only to see what else is free. Who knows? Once they check it out they may keep coming back for the content, but at least they'll be checking every issue to see what new great deals they can score.


Do you ever do product comparisons? (Of course you have to avoid the advertisers' products, just in case they really suck.)Seems to me that fishermen are no different than anyone else in that department. We want to know which lure is gonna nail the personal best, or at least get the limit day in and day out until all the fishies have learned to shun that one. When some manufacturer puts out a new incredible edible we need to know so we can rush out to buy a bag or whatever. Let's face it. Fishing's about the cheapest sport known to man for buying the latest and best small toys. It can get pricey when you get into boats etc but I can go out on any Friday and buy enough new lures to keep me totally amused for a weekend or three for under $50. They turn my old rod and reel into a new and dangerous weapon in the fight against fish supremacy over man. And you have a captive audience here in Ontario, a fishing heaven. Not everyone wants to pull in nothing but lunkers and we have a wonderful variety of great game fish right here in Ontario, and they require the right kind of gear to catch 'em. Work that to the hilt. make it sound like you're giving away the deepest secrets of man. Of course everyone (stress everyone) has to subscribe to learn these secrets.


If I didn't have to go to dinner right now I'd probably share more stupid ideas with you, but nature calls. And I have to pee, anyway. If I have any more really dumb thoughts I'll bore you with them as well.




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