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My 2 Cents


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Yes people l was holding my head low. l know the good people on this lovely suite will let it be. :rolleyes: Ya right. l think its great to have famous Apples. l will get sniped its just so logical. At 47 and the amount of bears around it would be just a wise thing to do.

l want land and build my own place with Nancy. l cant have that with a child.

l want my place on the water and have a boat. l cant have that with a child.

l cant slap my 20 year old dumb ass kid in the head at 67.

And no you cant polish my Apples.

Peace Ken

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Some of the things you can't do without a child (ren)

You can't be woken up at 5 am by the shreik of a 2 year old child that has seen a deer in the back yard for the first time.

You can't teach him or her how to wire up a string of flouresent lights and switch them on for the first time.

You can't hear the excited chatter of "I got a nipple" when fishing.

You can't sit back and worry "Did I do that right?" and find out that yes you did cause they called and asked to be picked up 'cause they had a beer and shouldn't drive.

You can't watch with pride as your child wears your old jersey on the field with pride and flashes you a smile every time she makes a save.

You CAN! have land and build your own place. I did that in the home we have now. The whole family worked together to restore the home we are in now.

You CAN! build a house on the water and have a boat. That is my primary motivation for wanting a boat, to share it with my kids.

You can not have to slap your dumbass kid in the head at 68 because you raised him or her right and no longer need to correct his or her behaviors.

Just my two cents.

Uttered in all humility and respect for whatever choices you need to make.


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Some of the things you can't do without a child (ren)

You can't be woken up at 5 am by the shreik of a 2 year old child that has seen a deer in the back yard for the first time.

You can't teach him or her how to wire up a string of flouresent lights and switch them on for the first time.

You can't hear the excited chatter of "I got a nipple" when fishing.

You can't sit back and worry "Did I do that right?" and find out that yes you did cause they called and asked to be picked up 'cause they had a beer and shouldn't drive.

You can't watch with pride as your child wears your old jersey on the field with pride and flashes you a smile every time she makes a save.

You CAN! have land and build your own place. I did that in the home we have now. The whole family worked together to restore the home we are in now.

You CAN! build a house on the water and have a boat. That is my primary motivation for wanting a boat, to share it with my kids.

You can not have to slap your dumbass kid in the head at 68 because you raised him or her right and no longer need to correct his or her behaviors.

Just my two cents.

Uttered in all humility and respect for whatever choices you need to make.



That was great! :)

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HomeTownHandyMan that was the nicest thing you have posted yet and its nice to see that you are engulfed into love of your children.

There are other things that l have created in my life that has infulanced me in my desition. Until Nancy l would have never even thought of having kids. But that shreik you talk about is one of the reasons l dont want kids. Because of Nancy l have the oppritunity to improve the life of Tylor Which l take with great pride in being able to do.

Do l regret that l wont have one of my own, not really because my child would be with the ex. l would be defaulting in my child support because of my past catching up with me and HE/She would be living with one of the coldest people l now know which l will take 10%of the blame.

l know alot of the great people on OFC. are saying that l dont know what lm missing, well maybe your right but l will never know anyhow.

It wasn't until Nancy where l can see some of my dreams come true.

Peace Ken

Ps What $$$

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I never had kids.


I have no opinion on the above matter nor do I think about it. It is what it is.


As my 3 cents, I can say to you to be happy with what you have.


I have always believed that the grass is seldom greener on the other side of the fence. I also say that if there is a problem, there is always a solution.


carp-starter :):):)

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With the posts you 2 make, and the subjects you seem to need approval from people on a fishing site, I really think you 2 need to save yourselves a lot of dissapointment and get on Springers waiting list now.


I mean really if your relationship has any merrit at all shouldnt these kinds of things be worked out in private and not on an open forum, get some counseling before you guys make a big misstake, and save the folks from haveing to pick sides in:


Less than 6 months

6 months to 1 year

1to3 years

More than 3 years

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:w00t: Life is Life it happens. That post broke a record and alot of information was passed on so that people can make the choise. Its not all about getting the fish its about doing it and being at peace. So l let out a little more heart than most people but that who l am. Its also nice to know Bassloadingzone that out of your 10 posts 3 of them were to slam me. Are you trying to make me feel special.

Peace Ken

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