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Went up to Camp Jiggy Jiggy to put the supports on the rafters, pull the dock out and shore up the green tent before we get any snow... It was also Monique and I's 24th aniversary of our first date (women.. I cant remember the last time I changed my shorts.. but she remembers that date....)


Anyway it rained all day sat so we didnt do any hunting or fishing so nothing to report there... a pretty quite weekend... although we did have surf and turf to celebrate.. then we played crib... lol...





Posted (edited)

You are one lucky man TJ. I've said it to you before...what was she thinking when she grabbed you! :D


then we played crib


Is that when you lie on your back pretending you're a baby...crying....hoping "mommie" attends to your needs?

Edited by irishfield
Posted (edited)

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Choose your favourite...



Edited by Gerritt

LOL...you guys are hilarious!


Looked like a nice quiet time up there...another chapter of camp jiggy...nice to be along for the ride. I'm just waiting for it's completion...so I can come visit...


Dont want to come to early in case you put some tools in my hands...and trust me you dont want to do that!!!


Oh ya... as soon as i get the good crapper and sauna built were definatly gonna have one!

  irishfield said:
Is that when you lie on your back pretending you're a baby...crying....hoping "mommie" attends to your needs?


This seems wrong on so many levels, but I'll stop analyzing it before I get my thoughts into that any further! :wacko:


Ehh hem... on another note... man you guys eat good! Have you never heard of Kraft Dinner or hot dogs, lol?

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