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First of all, Gerritt, I can't help ya with this one. Called Sage Software (they own simply/accpac now). Hope you have a support contract or backup or big credit card.


Whoever asked what kind of database it was, doesn't know much about database's and/or software or they would know that Simply uses a proprietary file format. Asking what kind of database it is was a useless question.


And for the person who spammed us with the db2 plug... dude, get a clue. If someone is going to buy a db, they are going to buy Oracle, or if they don't want to spend that much they are going to buy SQL Server. If they want best bang for the buck they are going to go with postgre or mysql. db2? are you kidding me? made here in Canada? Just because you sweep the floors at the IBM office up there and they support db2 from there, *does not* mean they make it there. Oh did I mention db2 has been around since the 70's? Oh and one more thing... applications that use proprietary file formats with no odbc/direct sql support aren't going to run on db2, stop spamming Bull.


Gerr, call Sage/Simply and they will have you ship the file to them and fix it for you. It's gonna cost though.

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Corey, I called before I posted... nothing they can do... as the DB is corrupt... I know there is a way to do it... as their are companies that specialize in it..


But Sage was useless and we have a support contract...


The problem is this.. we have a book keeper... she is used to things her way (as she has 15 other clients) I implemented a server with raid0 strictly for this sort of situation.. she wont back up to the server as she does not have to do it for her other clients and finds it confusing.. (requiring a password and all that fancy jazz)... needless to say it is up to me to come behind her and back our files up to the server... problem is I cant always be there due to the hours I work...


I should also add that I have not been as diligent as I should be in doing a backup to the server whenever I add a payable... sometimes 1 a day... or 60 in a day...


SA is fairly bulletproof... unless the power goes out as soon as you hit the "Post" button....(Adding a payable to the GL.)


I cant fault our book keeper... As it is my fault for this mishap... Last time I backed up to the server was August 29th... and I entered a couple payables two days ago once I got approval.. I should have backed it up...


But knowing that SA is bulletproof I became a little lax and backed it up once I wrote cheques...




Anyways... I used the August 29th file (last backup I did) and re-entered everything manually... it took some time and I have a few corrections to make... but we are back on par...


as for the previous posts... they did not make too much sense to me, knowing SA is proprietary.. But I had Very little time as I was busy repairing the damage done...


Thanks guys.... but I certainly have learned a valuable lesson.. Just because software can be trusted... electricity cannot...



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made here in Canada? Just because you sweep the floors at the IBM office up there and they support db2 from there, *does not* mean they make it there. Oh did I mention db2 has been around since the 70's?


First of all, I PM'd Corey for this message, and normally I wouldn't reply to things based on assumption in the forum, but this has something to do with my employer. I have to let everyone else know that the core database engine of DB2 is written in IBM Toronto lab in Markham. What Corey said only shows that he didn't know the fact.


Not sure why he thinks he knows what I do there either since he doesn't know me. I guess not everyone needs facts to support what they say.

Edited by wolfville
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First of all, I PM'd Corey for this message, and normally I wouldn't reply to things based on assumption in the forum, but this has something to do with my employer. I have to let everyone else know that the core database engine of DB2 is written in IBM Toronto lab in Markham. What Corey said only shows that he didn't know the fact.


Not sure why he thinks he knows what I do there either since he doesn't know me. I guess not everyone needs facts to support what they say.



Randy......Well said!

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I hope you get it all smoothed out Gerritt. Lots of people don't have the answers but at least they post to the thread and offer what they think might help or at least offer a little empathy. Sorry you're having a bad start to your weekend Corey......thing'll get better I'm sure.

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Just because you sweep the floors at the IBM office up there and they support db2 from there, *does not* mean they make it there.


I'd say this is inappropriate and an apology should be posted.


Let's have respect for each other and not damage the integrity of this wonderful board that is enjoyed by so many.

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First of all, I PM'd Corey for this message, and normally I wouldn't reply to things based on assumption in the forum, but this has something to do with my employer. I have to let everyone else know that the core database engine of DB2 is written in IBM Toronto lab in Markham. What Corey said only shows that he didn't know the fact.


Not sure why he thinks he knows what I do there either since he doesn't know me. I guess not everyone needs facts to support what they say.


Suggesting someone switch to db2 for db for a program that uses a proprietary file format shows that someone doesn't know what they are talking about... Hey... why don't you put these great Chevy pistons in your Ford because your transmission is broken is a pretty good equivilent to what wolfville suggested Gerritt do.


For all you people who think I need to apologize or that my comment was unwarranted, would you like people who don't know what they are talking about offering advice that is absolutely useless to you when solving an issue that has the importance of corrupted company accounting information?


One of the things I absolutely hate is people who offer advice on something that they obviously don't know anything about. Gerritt's problem is a corrupted database file. If you don't know what db engine the software uses, you shouldn't be offering suggestions to solve the problem. What if Gerritt had spent 3-4 hours researching how to get his accounting info onto db2, and then at the end finding out it will never work as it's a totally unsupported product?


Would you people like advice that will set you back hours of work for nothing because someone who doesn't know anything made a suggestion for you to follow? Like seriously, if you don't know anything about a product someone is asking about, keep your comments to yourself.


I will not apologize to anybody. Notice how I don't chime in on what motor is better or what fishing rod is better? I don't know enough details of all those things to give trustworthy advice. I can give an opinion of a rod that I might own and use, but not a comparison. An opinion is much different than suggesting a solution to a problem.


What's the moral of this rant? If someone asks for help for a specific problem, and you know enough about it, help them out. Don't start suggesting different products when all he wants to do is get something fixed. That's just spam, especially when you work for the company. Maybe I should suggest he run his machines in VM's cause he can VMotion them around and do SAN LUN snapshots to what... fix his corrupted data file?


I am just shaking my head now.



Edited by Corey
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You're just underestimating Gerritt's competence. Gerritt knows if something might or might not work. My kids 'help' me with stuff everyday and some of the help I get is ridiculous at times....ridiculously funny. But, I'll never crap on them for caring enough to try to help me do something. That's just my opinion...and now, the river waits, I'm going fishing.

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Unreal. :o Way outta line Corey!


Gerritt good luck with your problem. I would like to offer help but I gotta get back to sweeping the floor...


Gerritt, why no post your question on a DB forum. Someone there may offer some good info...

http://www.dbforums.com/index.php?styleid=1 (not spam, I do not work for this DB forum)




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Roy, I am not underestimating anything. Notice how what I recommended was already done by Gerr?


Slowpoke... nothing to do with stress, at least not on my part. If you were in Gerritt's situation would you want people suggesting you go on a wild goose chase? or even better buy a product that has nothing to do with the situation you are in?


Gerritt's problem was a pretty serious one. People who don't know what he was dealing with should not be offering advise as to what he should do. That would only be compounding it.


Say what you all want to say, but if you ask a question or need help, you would only want solutions from people who know what they are talking about right? How about I start offering stupid solutions to all the problems you people post? I'm sure you'll all appreciate it.


I can understand saying something to support his situation, but offering ideas or solutions that will not even come close to solving the problem is a waste of everybody's time.


Oh... shouldn't this thread be in the Computer Help section? :)

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Corey, you're getting jumped on not for WHAT you are saying but for the WAY you said it. To belittle everyone else for thier suggestions doesn't make you helpfull, it just makes you look like an idiot. It would have taken less time to be tactful than it did to berate those involved.


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I seem to remember another thread where there were a number of members having trouble getting into OFC. Every other site worked fine and a few of us were trying to 1) find out if anyone else was having problems and 2) try to figure out why every other site was fine and not this one.


Corey...you posted a bunch of stuff about how it's us people who know "nothing" about computers who have bunged up our own systems at home. You basically insulted every member who had the problem saying that we screwed up our own computers. As soon as a member looked into it and posted what he found out, you jumped all over him and said it definitely wasn't any of those issues and to once again, look at our own machines and incompetence.


If I remember right, Rogers did say there was a problem and that they'd fix it. Magically, very soon after, the problem was resolved....when you said it had nothing to do with it.


I didn't take any spyware off, I didn't start from scratch, I didn't do ANYTHING to my computer, yet it was working just fine again....and guess what...so did everyone else having the problem.


Did I hear an apology on that thread? Did I hear an explanation from you? No...I didn't. I was going to let this rest...chalk it up to someone who likes to belittle people just for trying to relate, add a little help...but I couldn't...not when you directly insult other members of this board.


Like slowpoke said...it's how you said it that's the issue. There no need for this kind of crap. It reminds me of how little kids settle problems...not adults.


Enough said.

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Good job Corey, no wonder people have such a low image of us IT people. Want a job? We are looking for some new support personal in our company and I’m sure with your attitude you can drive most of our problem clients away within a few minutes.


Questions like Raf posted are not un-necessary. For somebody unfamiliar with the product it is a quick way to figure out if you can help out or not. Had the software package used a DB that he was familiar with I’m sure he would have offered further advice. Lots of accounting packages on the market will allow the use of the backend DB of your choice. But since Simply accounting is not one of the higher end packages by a long run not a lot of support people will have a lot of history with it. This also leads into Wolfville’s comments. He didn’t offer an opinion on how to fix Gerritt’s problem, but something to think about going forward.


You did offer Gerritt some good advice, call the company that created/supports the product. But I’m sure a smart guy like him thought about that right off the bat and that didn’t work out for him and he asked for some input from others. Don’t jump on other people just because they aren’t as smart as you think you are.


Remember this thread the next time you have a question about something, it might just come back to bite you in the ass.

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Whoever asked what kind of database it was, doesn't know much about database's and/or software or they would know that Simply uses a proprietary file format. Asking what kind of database it is was a useless question.


Hey Corey, stick a digit where the sign dont shine

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