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John Tory Pledges 35 Million to anglers and Wildlife


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I had every intention of voting for the PC's, simply due to my disgust for Dalton and his boys! However, I now find myself in a real challenging position as I simply cannot vote for anyone who wants to fund religious based schools, with public money.

IMHO- we should not fund any faith based schools, and yes I do also mean the Catholic School boards as well. As this county becomes more and more ethnically diverse, we do need some kind of glue to hold us together, and separating our children based on religion is not the solution.

Thant leaves me with the choices of NDP or Green and that's why I'm having a really hard time!

Rhino's anyone!?LOL


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On another board, John Tory actually spent a day fishing with Darryl Chronzey. Now if any of you know anything about Darryl, you know that he speaks his mind and stands by his word. He put John Tory through the wringer, sending a barrage of fishery related questions at him. In the end, Chronzey was impressed, and truly believes that if elected John Tory will follow through on his promises. (See the latest issue of Ontario Out of Doors, it has an election special with each platforms position on our hot natural resource based topics)


I responded to that thread stating this:


"...it may be just politics, but for once fishing and hunting is getting into politics. "


Agreed, If I am going to vote for a liar, at least the liar I vote for will have mentioned the word 'fish'...


And before you all jump on me for calling them liars, I mean it in a political sense, as in they won't keep all their pre-election promises.


So what the heck, I'll go out on a limb this year and vote for the guy who went fishing with Darryl



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Tory has my vote.

IMO there is a difference between leaders and politicians. It's not often we get a chance to vote for a party with a true leader at the helm. Mike Harris was a leader and I voted for him. The difference is making the right decisions as unpopular as they may be.


I'm predominantly Liberal believing in the most amount of good for the most amount of people. I held my nose and voted for Eaves last time around - only because he was slightly less slimey than McGuinty and we knew what he was all about. (the devil you know...)


As for the school issue, we've been funding the Catholic School board with public money for as long as I can remember. How do we deny other religeons of funding when our population is based on immigration? I'd rather see non-secular school funding but the horse is already out of the barn.



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I doubt there are enough people in Ontario who would base their vote solely on the pledge that any party makes regarding MNR funding to make any difference in terms of the actual election outcome. There are a lot more and bigger fish to fry; compared to education, health, or fiscal policy, MNR funding is a none-issue for most voters. I guarantee you that the majority of Ontarians don't even know what MNR stands for!

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HHHhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.............let's see I own a fishing and hunting store (lots of guns) MCGuinty wants to ban guns and does not care for hunters......does he even fish hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm..........He is a LIEBERAL oh well I never voted for him and he has not swayed me that way either. I guess he is not the logical choice.




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